
Surface Transportation Funding and Programs Under MAP|21

MAP-21 | Federal Highway Administration

112-141), was signed into law by President Obama on July 6, 2012. Funding surface transportation programs at over $105 billion for fiscal years (FY) 2013 and ...

Surface Transportation Funding and Programs Under MAP-21

The act authorized spending on federal highway and public transportation programs, surface transportation safety and research, and some rail ...

MAP-21 | FTA - Federal Transit Administration

On July 6, 2012, President Obama signed Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), reauthorizing surface transportation programs through fiscal ...

Product Details R42762 - CRS Reports -

Title: Surface Transportation Funding and Programs Under MAP-21: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-141); Report#:: R42762 ...

Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)

The bill also provides states and communities with two years of steady funding to build the roads, bridges and transit systems they need. We ...

Surface Transportation Funding and Programs Under the Fixing ...

2 Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2014: Federal Highway-User Fees; Table FE-21B, Washington,. DC, 2015,

MAP-21 vs. FAST Act Comparison Chart

The FAST Act is a fully funded five-year authorization of surface transportation programs. ... program's funding under the NHPP program and putting funding ...


112-141, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). After years of extending surface transportation programs MAP-21 was the first multi ...

Historical Surface Transportation Program Funding - The White House

The Federal transit program provides resources to State and local governments to support eligible capital bus and rail projects. Finally, the Federal highway ...

Federal Surface Transportation Program | Rural Counties

In December 2015, Congress passed the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, a five-year bill to fund our nation's highway, rail, and transit ...

23 USC 133: Surface transportation block grant program - U.S. Code

(5) Highway and transit safety infrastructure improvements and programs, including projects eligible under section 130 and installation of safety barriers and ...

Transportation Policy Overview | Center for Environmental Excellence

MAP-21 authorized approximately $105 billion in spending for federal highway and public transportation programs for FY2013 and FY2014 combined.

The Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program

The Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program supports projects that improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas.

Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-141)

Surface Transportation Funding and Programs Under MAP-21: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-141) · Who Bookmark this section · What ...

Surface transportation funding and programs under MAP-21

Surface transportation funding and programs under MAP-21 : Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-141) / ; Online · English · [Washington, ...

Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program: Fact Sheet

The FAST Act converts the long-standing Surface Transportation Program into the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program acknowledging that ...

Surface Transportation Block Grant Program | MARC

Surface Transportation Block Grant Program ... The Mid-America Regional Council distributes these funds using competitive application processes governed by the ...

Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) | Missouri Department of ...

Under the FAST Act, FHWA apportions funding as a lump sum for each state and then divides that total among apportioned programs. States are to make ...

Surface Transportation Reauthorization Acts | Caltrans -

MAP-21 authorizes the federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety, and transit and provides funding of over $105 billion for fiscal ...

Surface Transportation Program (STP)

Under MAP-21, metro regions will receive approximately the same level of suballocated STP funds as before. Funding. STP can cover 80 percent of the total cost ...