
SwiftUI List Performance

performance on a huge list : r/SwiftUI - Reddit

I have a json that contain 44k element, I tried to use list / foreach but the application taking 1Gb memory so I replaced with scrollview / foreach now it's ...

How to fix slow List updates in SwiftUI - Hacking with Swift

Make it faster with this one weird trick! ... If you have a SwiftUI list with lots of rows, you might find it's really slow to update when you ...

Demystifying SwiftUI List: Practices for Large Datasets

Having excellent interaction effects and touch is a principle that many iOS developers have adhered to for a long time. The response performance of the same ...

SwiftUI List performane - Apple Developer Forums

I have a performance issue with List when I have a large amount of data that is replaced. Given the code below, a data set of about 3500 name items are loaded ...

Deep understanding of SwiftUI List with large dataset | by Yildirimpost

We can think that only one value is changing and it will not affect our list performance however this is not correct. Our viewModel is a ...

Bad performance of large SwiftUI lists on macOS - Stack Overflow

I have a SwiftUI app which displays large lists of 1000 to 5000 items. I noticed that on macOS displaying such a long list has very bad performance.

Performance Struggles With SwiftData and List - Hacking with Swift

This is my first SwiftUI app and I'm fairly embarassed by how difficult it's being... @Model class PokeList { var name: String var view ...

Demystify SwiftUI performance - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer

Learn how you can build a mental model for performance in SwiftUI and write faster, more efficient code.

List or LazyVStack - Choosing the Right Lazy Container in SwiftUI

Although SwiftUI has been around for six years, the performance of List and LazyVStack when handling large datasets still leaves room for ...

Improving App Performance | LazyVStack vs. VStack vs Lists in SwiftUI

Understand the differences between these fundamental SwiftUI components to improve performance in your applications Become a member at ...

SwiftUI List performance is slow o… | Apple Developer Forums

macOS running SwiftUI is even slower than the iOS simulator. As a simple example, create a List with a few hundred rows (anything over 100 gets ...

Performance issues with SwiftUI on macOS - Realm - MongoDB

On macOS, SwiftUI's List is not lazy-loading. · By default, ANY change to ANY object in @ObservedResults will invalidate ALL views in the ...

SwiftUI List Performance - YouTube

When it comes to displaying lists of items in iOS apps, developers have two main options: the SwiftUI List view and the UIKit ...

When I tried using SwiftUI, the performance for scrolling through lists ...

The performance for scrolling through lists past a certain size was very painful. I guess there were ways to mitigate this slowness, but they were very ...

SwiftUI List: Deep Dive - DevTechie

List view is a performant alternative to ScrollView in terms of memory and performance. It is is UIKit's UITableView equivalent in SwiftUI. Lists can be ...

Performance between LazyVStack, VStack and List #SwiftUI

Hello guys! I started this channel talking about stacks in SwiftUI, today we will talk about another stack: LazyVStack.

How to fix slow List updates in SwiftUI - YouTube

If you have a SwiftUI list with lots of rows, you might find it's really slow to update when you sort or filter those rows – code that ...

SwiftUI Performance Tuning: Tips and Tricks - Canopas

Background · Sponsored · SwiftUI Performance Tips · Use structs instead of classes for your data model · Avoid heavy work on the main thread · Avoid ...

Demystify SwiftUI performance | Documentation - WWDC Notes

SwiftUI makes it easy to build complex, powerful apps, offering a large set of features and complex controls like lists and tables. As the app's complexity ...

Optimizing SwiftUI Lists: How to Make Scrollable Views Smooth and ...

Using List in SwiftUI makes it easy to create scrollable, data-driven views, but performance issues can arise when working with large data ...