

John Rawls - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The first principle affirms that all citizens should have the familiar basic rights and liberties: liberty of conscience and freedom of ...

Justice as Fairness - Wikipedia

It comprises two main principles of liberty and equality; the second is subdivided into fair equality of opportunity and the difference principle.

BRIA 23 3 c Justice as Fairness: John Rawls and His Theory of Justice

This principle means that everyone has the same basic liberties, which can never be taken away. Rawls included most of the liberties in the U.S. Bill of Rights, ...

Fairness, liberty and psychiatry - PMC

according to the liberty principle, 'Each person [should] have equal right to the most extensive system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar ...

Is Mill's principle of Liberty compatible with his Utilitarianism?

In this essay, I aim to show that Mill's liberty principle is necessary for his utilitarianism to function and promote the good life.

Rawls's Liberty Principle - SpringerLink

First, Rawls's particular conception of civil liberty will be discussed. Moreover, the development of Rawls's principle of liberty from maximal equal liberty to ...

Justice as Fairness - Bellevue College

According to the first principle, the liberty of individuals is restricted to that which is consistent with like liberty for all. The Difference Principle. • ...

The Liberty Principle: John Skorupski - Oxford Academic

The liberty principle, which they often call the harm principle, is the principle that we shouldn't stop people from doing anything they feel like doing, ...

A Theory of Justice - Wikipedia

Together, they dictate that society should be structured so that the greatest possible amount of liberty is given to its members, limited only by the notion ...

The Liberty Principle and Universal Health Care - Project MUSE

Given the connection between health and liberty, the liberty principle yields entitlements as well. Specifically, it requires that every citizen ...

Rawls' Principle of Equal Liberty - jstor

Priority Rule: The principles are to be ranked in lexical order and therefore liberty can be restricted only for the sake of liberty. There are two cases: (a) a ...

Balancing Equality and Liberty in Rawls's Theory of Justice

Rawls arranges two principles of justice in lexical order – the priority of the first principle over the second. This idea of priority rules does not provide an ...

The Liberty of the Liberty Principle | Res Publica

223). The principle is better called the Liberty Principle: it appears in On Liberty, not On Harm, and its point is to secure 'civil, or social ...

The Liberty Principle and Universal Health Care* - ProQuest

A universal entitlement to health care can be grounded in the liberty principle. A detailed examination of Rawls's discussion of health care in Justice as ...

Veil of Ignorance - Ethics Unwrapped

According to the liberty principle, the social contract should try to ensure that everyone enjoys the maximum liberty possible without intruding upon the ...

Robert Westmoreland, The Liberty of the Liberty Principle - PhilPapers

Mill's Liberty Principle aims to protect 'social' freedom, which is traditionally understood as negative freedom.

The liberty principle and universal health care - PubMed

A universal entitlement to health care can be grounded in the liberty principle. A detailed examination of Rawls's discussion of health care in Justice as ...

PHILOSOPHY - DEMOCRACY 7: Liberty and the Harm Principle

In this Wireless Philosophy video, Geoff Pynn (Elgin Community College) discusses liberalism, the idea that the protection and promotion of ...

On Liberty - Econlib

The object of this Essay is to assert one very simple principle, as entitled to govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual in ...

The Argument for Rawls's Principles - Michael Green

Each principle takes priority over the next: a society cannot sacrifice liberties for the sake of economic gains and it cannot compromise on ...