

What Does Scripture Teach About the Office of Prophet and Gift of ...

A prophet's primary function in the Old Testament (OT) was to serve as God's representative or ambassador by communicating God's word to his people.


THE OFFICE OF THE PROPHET IN OLD TESTAMENT TIMES. 11. VI. These above-mentioned false prophets are frequently mentioned by the great writing prophets. Isaiah ...

The Office of the Prophet in Old Testament Times -- By: S. Herbert ...

When one undertakes to make a comprehensive study of the men in the OT who bore the name “prophet,” and of the activities of those who are said ...

The Office of Prophet and Contemporary Times - Joseph Mattera

Whole books of the Bible like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Amos illustrate the power of prophets who are able to interpret the times and the seasons for the people and ...

Office of a Prophet - David McCracken Ministries

Thus, the Office of a Prophet is specifically ordained by God, directed by God's divine appointment, and a prophet communicates clearly what God intends to say.

Biblical Prophets: The Office and The Purpose - Torah Class

Sometimes that connection seems as basic as but a good relationship between a human and their god at times when such a relationship is in short supply.

Understanding the office of a prophet, By Ayo Akerele

The biblical prophets spoke the truth, which came from God. Their unique vocation allowed them to authoritatively speak on God's behalf. They ...

What is Prophecy? The Gift of Prophecy vs. the Office of a Prophet

The gift is for all, but being called to the ministry as a prophet of God (or into the office of a prophet) is to be called to be a part of the ...

What was a prophet in the Old Testament? |

Often, a prophet in the Old Testament predicted the future. Sometimes, the prophecies concerned events that were soon to happen; for example, ...

the office of the prophet in old testament times - Semantic Scholar

When one undertakes to make a comprehensive study of the men in the O.T. who bore the name "prophet," and of the activities of those who are said to ...

Q24. How doth Christ execute the office of a prophet?

Christ executeth the office of a prophet, in revealing to us, by his Word and Spirit, the will of God for our salvation.

The Office of Prophet - David Servant

12:28), even a fulltime minister would not be placed in the office of a prophet until he has been in ministry for some years. If he does stand in that office, ...

Prophets: New Testament vs Old Testament | Fountain of Life

The reason such abuse exists is because believers are largely ignorant of the gift of prophecy in the New Testament era. They confuse the office ...

Prophets and Priesthood in the Old Testament

Yea, humble yourselves even as the people in the days of Melchizedek, who was also a high priest after this same order [the holy order of God] which I have ...

What the Bible says about Prophetic Office

Until New Testament times, prophets have been God's way of reaching the people. Whenever the people needed a prophet or a mediator with God, as He says in ...

The office of prophets as an emergency measure

In Deuteronomy 18:15, Moses is called a prophet. He spoke on behalf of Yahweh. He taught the Israelites the law of the Lord and instructed them ...

Prophets and The Prophetic Ministry - Anthony Hilder

The Old Testament prophet seems to call down fire from Heaven, speak words of judgement and warning to God's people and the surrounding nations, ...

A Look at the Biblical Offices - The Orthodox Presbyterian Church

The New Testament prophet was an inspired, temporary officer with local rather than universal authority and responsibility. A prophet received (a) revelations ( ...

How Did Jesus Fulfill the Role of a Prophet? [99 in :99]

The role of the prophet in the life of God's people was to serve as a spokesperson or mediators for God. Prophets ...

Understanding the Prophets - Ligonier Ministries

The general meaning of the word is "spokesman." In the Old Testament, a prophet "was a spokesman for God with the distinct call to be the ...