
Teaching Portrait of a Graduate Skills to K|12 Students

Teaching Portrait of a Graduate Skills to K-12 Students | NGLC

A Portrait of a Graduate identifies the full set of skills and competencies that high school graduates need to thrive in learning, work, and ...

Portrait of a Graduate in Practice: Examples and Competencies

A Portrait of a Graduate is a school or district's collective vision for student success. Also known as a Graduate Profile, Portrait of a Learner, Habits of ...

Help Students Build Portrait of a Graduate Skills

Ensure students develop the higher-order skills included in your Portrait of a Graduate and that are needed to take on the opportunities and challenges of the ...

5 Ways to Operationalize a Portrait of a Graduate - KnowledgeWorks

A Portrait of a Graduate outlines the critical skills, knowledge and disciplines a given state or school district believes a learner will need to be successful.

How the 'Portrait of a Graduate' Infuses Student Learning with Joy ...

The Portrait of a Graduate is a powerful way to create a united vision for education in cooperation with the community. But it doesn't lead to ...

Pattonville creates a Portrait of a Graduate showcasing skills for all ...

A Portrait of a Graduate represents a school district's vision for the 21st century skills, character traits and social-emotional competencies that students ...

Portrait of a Graduate | Battelle for Kids

Locally developed and globally positioned, a school district's Portrait of a Graduate is developed with the community to identify the durable skills and ...

Portrait of a Graduate: Preparing Students for Success - SpacesEDU

Implementing Portrait of a Graduate requires significant changes in mindset and practices within school districts. Teachers and administrators ...

What is a Portrait of a Graduate? - Defined Learning Educators Blog

... students, educators, parents, and community members. It describes the desired outcomes of the K-12 system: the competencies and personal qualities students ...

What is a Portrait of a Graduate? | Definition, Examples, and Tips for ...

Portraits of a Graduate are not static— they often evolve over time as schools assess which competencies resonate most with their students and ...

An Educator's Guide to Portrait of a Graduate | Otus

The “Portrait of a Graduate” initiative challenges the traditional benchmarks of success in education, pushing for a more comprehensive and nuanced ...

Portrait of a Graduate: A Gateway to Competency-Based Learning

This blog post reviews the Next Generation Learning Challenge (NGLC)'s new resource, How Students Develop the Skills & Competencies in a ...

Launching Our Portrait of a Graduate Initiative for More Powerful ...

Over the past few months, we have shared a series of blogs discussing how districts can intentionally integrate essential skills by ...

Portrait of a Graduate Gallery | Getting Smart

Typical Portraits contain a small number of elements with descriptive language for each. Each of these elements is then divided into a set of competencies which ...

Portrait of a Graduate: How to Develop Durable Skills for the 21st ...

Preparing to introduce these skills in schools redefines student success and elevates new education goals. ... K-12 teachers and school and ...

Prepare Students With the Portrait of a Graduate Skills Needed for ...

Your students have diverse goals and dreams. The journey to achieve them begins within your schools. Use this activity guide to help students develop Portrait ...

More States Are Creating a 'Portrait of a Graduate.' Here's Why

According to such portraits, students should leave high school with a set of agreed-upon skills, such as communication, teamwork, creativity, ...

How Learning Pathways Bring the Portrait of a Graduate to Life

The Portrait of a Graduate is compelling because these attributes, such as “creating to solve and share,” are broad and crosscutting, which ...

Becoming Future Ready: Bringing the Portrait of a Graduate to Life

In the latest video illustrating the progress of how our Portrait of a Graduate vision for all students is coming to life, you will see how ...

Portrait of a Graduate | NC DPI

The North Carolina Portrait of a Graduate allows for deeper student learning and skill attainment and bridges the gap between K-12 education and workforce ...