
The Causes and Consequences of Populism

Populism: Root Causes, Power Grabbing and Counter Strategy

For today's populism, we carve out four root causes: economic problems, cultural causes, the speed of change generated by globalisation and digitalisation, and ...

Causes and Consequences of Spreading Populism - CESifo

In the 21st century, populist politicians' vote shares in Europe have been growing: at first slowly in the 2000s, then rapidly in the 2010s (Guriev and.

When Does Populism Become a Threat to Democracy?

6. Illiberal: Populism becomes a danger to democracy when it seeks to restrict the rights of political, racial, ethnic and other minorities, or simply seeks in ...

Causes and consequences of the rise of populist radical right parties ...

This article reviews three strands in the scholarship on the populist radical right (PRR). It covers both political parties and extra-parliamentary ...

Populism: Roots, consequences, and counter strategy - CEPR

The third cause is fear and uncertainty. These are a consequence of any quick change, whether it be economic, cultural, or technological. Policy ...

14 Populism and Its Causes - Oxford Academic

The most common explanation for this pattern is that populism is a response to long-term problems of weak democratic governance, especially corruption.

Populism: Economic Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Guriev outlined long-term factors that have contributed to the rise, including globalization, automation, and cultural shifts. The long-term ...

Rise of Populism: Causes, Consequences and Policy Implications?

Populism is on the rise. It goes hand in hand with far-left or far-right party slogans and/or strong, personalized political leadership and ...

The economic causes of populism - The Global Solutions Initiative

It is well known that economic growth and structural change have distributional consequences. Accordingly, developed economies have established welfare ...

The cost of populism: Evidence from history - CEPR

Countries governed by populists witness a substantial decline in real GDP per capita, on average. Protectionist trade policies, unsustainable ...

Causes and Consequences of Spreading Populism - CESifo

We live in the era of the unprecedented rise of populism – measured either by voting share for populist (i.e., antielite and anti-pluralist) politicians or ...

The Causes and Consequences of Populism - Simon Bornschier

Why are populist challengers successful in some countries, but not in others? And what are the consequences of populism for representation?

The Causes of Populism in the West - Annual Reviews

The global ascendance of populism has produced an explosion of research, bringing together scholarship on American and comparative politics as well as ...

Populism can degrade democracy but is on the rise − here's what ...

Immigration, race and religion are three issues that are often central to many populists' politics. There are also economic factors such as a ...

Global Populism: About | FSI

Among most dangerous of populism's consequences is the erosion of formal democratic rules and liberal institutions. These destructive effects of populist ...

understanding the global rise of populism | lse ideas

one thing they leave out - or perhaps do not stress enough - is the enormous impact long term which the failure of communism and the collapse of the USSR has ...

The Causes and Effects of Contemporary Populism

Populism has experienced a global resurgence. Yet at the individual level, little empirical research has been conducted to validate theories surrounding ...

EconStor: Causes and consequences of spreading populism

There is limited research on solutions to the problem of the rise of populism. The suggested solutions include redistribution, regulating social media, ...

Long-term causes of populism | Journal of Economic Interaction and ...

In this model, globalization brings populism through effects of risk sharing. Indeed, agents with low risk aversion consume more overtime, ...

The effects of populism as a social identity frame on persuasion and ...

By shifting blame onto others, populist communication facilitates the individual and in-group related evasion of responsibility. Therefore, we ...