
The Development of an Expectations Theory of Patent Law by ...

The Development of an Expectations Theory of Patent Law by ...

Following the historical review, the thesis examines the history of pharmaceutical patent law in Canada and applies the Lockean and expectations ...

The Development of an Expectations Theory of Patent Law by ...

The expectations theory also creates an avenue for reintroducing utility assessments of patents and setting flexible patent terms. An example of a new medicine ...

"An Expectations Theory of Patent Law" by Jason D. Newman

The expectations theory also creates an avenue for reintroducing utility assessments of patents and setting flexible patent terms. An example of a new medicine ...


history of science explored in Part II impacts both patent law theory and doctrine. The emphasis throughout is on how specialization, trust ...

A Theoretical Perspective of the Law on Patentable Life

theories of patent law. As it is beyond the scope ... law, the theory states that the expectation ... legal avenue, a de facto standard of morality will develop in ...

The Theories Behind Intellectual Property - Duke Law School

On whether or not we need patents to encourage the development of new business methods? We cannot answer all those questions here—that will take the entire ...

The Emergence of Classical American Patent Law

As noted previously, pre-classical theories of economic development relied heavily on exclusive rights to create incentives. Patents were a special case of this.

Predictability and Nonobviousness in Patent Law After KSR

The incentive-to-invent theory is the classic justification for the patent system.313 Under this theory, patent law incentivizes the creation of inven-.

The Misunderstood Function of Disclosure in Patent Law

By requiring all patentees to divulge their valuable discoveries, the law facilitates a more dynamic process of research and development than would otherwise be ...

The contract theory of patents -

Two distinct theories of patents, the “reward theory” and the “contract theory,” are customarily adopted by the courts to justify the patent system.

The Inducement Standard of Patentability - Scholarly Commons

Section I.C examines the inducement standard in light of general regulatory theory and practice. Doctrine outside patent law justifies using an economic ...

What is a "Law and Society" Approach to Intellectual Property?

2 This focus on legal doctrine and abstract theory is changing, however, as scholars from a variety of disciplines – such as sociology, political science,.

Economic Theories About the Costs and Benefits of Patents - NCBI

In the prospect-development theory, Kitch (1977) assumed that there is an abundance of appropriable inventions to be made by using the initial invention as ...

Expanding the Theoretical Framework for Patent Law Analysis - CORE

Thus, for example, scholars opined that the labor theory supports adopting an independent development defense in patent law. See infra note 118 and ...

How Well Does US Patent Law Implement Modern Innovation Theory?

includes the expectation of further research and development.”97 These arguments appear indistinguishable from option value. B. A ...

Patents as an Incentive to Innovate - Oxford Academic

The theory developed by Hart and Moore (1990) emphasizes the role of property rights as incentives. The stand point is incomplete contracts. Contracts can ...

Patents and Innovation: Evidence from Economic History

What is the optimal system of intellectual property rights to encourage innovation? In the most basic theoretical models, patents pose a tradeoff.

"Patent Portfolios" by Gideon Parchomovsky and R. Polk Wagner

The patent portfolio theory thus explains what is known as “the patent paradox”: in recent years patent intensity—patents obtained per research and development ...

Should a Reasonable Expectation of Success Invalidate Patent ...

meanings throughout the history of patent law[,]”94 if that which is obvious is to remain obvious, it is important not to obscure the ...

The Danger of Underdeveloped Patent Prospects

The concern about patent underdevelopment provides a counterweight to patent prospect theory, which urges that patents be issued relatively early. By insisting ...