
The Difference Between Prequel Hate and Sequel Hate in Star Wars

What's the difference between prequel hate and sequel hate? - Reddit

The difference is that the prequels, for all their faults, had a good story to tell. One of how well-meaning people can allow or even welcome ...

The Difference Between Prequel Hate and Sequel Hate in Star Wars

The Prequels got vindicated because the high bar of the Original Trilogy had been cast aside in favor of the low bar of the Sequels. The hype ...

What do you hate more in Star Wars, the prequels or the sequels?

It's not a fair comparison. The prequels had a grand vision, some kind of overarching concept that helped tie it all together and give some ...

"Star Wars" Prequel vs Sequel Trilogy - Which is Worse? - Trill Mag

Let me be frank, both the prequel and sequel trilogy are, on the whole, not good. There may be good moments and even a good movie or two, but ...

Explaining Why The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Hate Disappeared

One of the main reasons that the prequel trilogy hate has died out is due to the audience it was meant for having grown up.

Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?

... sequel. The Rise of Skywalker is probably the only Star Wars film I actively hate. When I first watched it in theaters I had a really fun ...

Film - Why does everyone hate the prequels, special editions, and ...

I think Star Wars fans seemingly "hate" the prequels, sequels or ... As someone who has no nostalgia for Star Wars, these are my thoughts.

Will People Eventually Like the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy?

All told, between having a more focused plot, being more “fun” to watch, and having a plot which aged like fine wine, the prequel trilogy had a ...

Star Wars: Prequels vs Sequels - Comparing the Two Divisive ...

Star Wars has become increasingly divisive over the years. There is love and hate for both the prequel and sequel trilogies.

Why so much hate for Prequels | Star Wars Forum

Both prequels and sequels have proved to be incredibly devisive! I like the prequels and they have a certain nostalgia for me (nothing can compete with the OT ...

Star Wars. Sequel vs prequel trilogy. Which did you enjoy more?

Ironically I liked both 1s but ironically I hated both 2s but got more out of Prequel 3 than Sequel 3. But I hated Sequel 2 big time while ...

1. Which trilogy out of the two do you think is better? - MLP Forums

I think the Prequel Trilogy is a lot better. The Sequel Trilogy made the other two trilogies pointless, and the way that it ended is very ...

Prequel Hate: Have we been deceived by a lie or was it ... - YouTube

The media mercilessly trashed the prequels back in the day. You couldn't get through a magazine article without some informed journalist, mocking and deriding ...

Why was it okay to hate on the Prequels, but not Sequels ... - YouTube

Mary Sue or Icon? How the mystery of Rey in The Force Awakens began the War of the Star Wars Fandom. Thor Skywalker•49K views · 25:10 · Go to ...

'Star Wars': Do Fans Hate the Sequel Trilogy More than the Prequels?

But just as a generation of fans grew up during the arrival of the original trilogy, so too have the prequels inspired devoted fandom. As the ...

Opinion: Star Wars fans hate Star Wars the most - The Maroon

So the hatred of the newest trillogy and htat of the prequels are totally different. Some fans hate anything that isn't the originals. That's ...

Star Wars: The Sequel Trilogy Did One Thing Worse Than The ...

The Sequel Trilogy is set decades after Return of the Jedi · The prequels had distinct ships and tech.

Looking Back at What the Star Wars Prequels and Sequels Got Right

When The Last Jedi inspired me to renew my Jedi vows despite the negativity in the Star Wars community, I never dreamed that the film would ...

5 Ways The Star Wars Prequels Are Better Than The Sequels

Then, you have Rian Johnson's deconstruction of Star Wars with the widely-hated The Last Jedi. And finally, you have that abomination The Rise ...

The Thing That Made People Hate the Prequels Could Actually ...

The Politics of Star Wars Is Complicated · The Prequel Trilogy Might Have Been Different, but Focused More on Politics · Disney's Star Wars Era ...