
The Effect of Multimedia on Vocabulary Learning and Retention

The Effect of Multimedia on Vocabulary Learning and Retention

This study looks into how vocabulary learning and retention are affected by multimedia for adult English as a foreign language (EFL) learners.

The Effect of Multimedia on Vocabulary Learning and Retention

Multimedia instruction led to significantly higher vocabulary gains on the immediate test compared to text-only instruction.

The effectiveness of multimedia input on vocabulary learning and ...

Multimedia input can enhance vocabulary learning in the context of learning English as a foreign language (EFL).

The Effect of Multimedia on Vocabulary Learning and Retention

All participants completed pre post vocabulary tests to assess learning and retention. Multimedia instruction led to significantly higher ...

The effectiveness of multimedia input on vocabulary learning and ...

PDF | Multimedia input can enhance vocabulary learning in the context of learning English as a foreign language (EFL).

Effects of tasks and multimedia annotations on vocabulary learning

This research examines the interaction effect and main effects of time, tasks, and annotations on annotation-supported vocabulary learning using multimedia.

On the Impact of Teaching Vocabulary through Asynchronous Social ...

This study aimed to investigate the effect of teaching vocabulary through asynchronous social media on EFL learners' vocabulary learning and retention. To ...

The effectiveness of multimedia input on vocabulary learning and ...

Overall, results highlight the importance of audiovisual input in vocabulary learning and retention. Relevant theoretical and pedagogical implications are ...

Effects of Multimedia Learning Combined With Strategy-Based ...

When pictures, word definitions, and explanations are presented by multime- dia features, learners' vocabulary retention is maximized. (Yanguas, 2009; Yeh & ...

Multimedia glosses and second language vocabulary learning

This theory suggests that information is more effectively encoded and retained when processed through both systems. The second is Mayer's (1997) Cognitive ...

The Effect of Using Multimedia on Vocabulary Learning of Pre ...

2015. TLDR. Investigation of the effects of teaching vocabulary using information and computer technology on vocabulary learning and retention of Intermediate ...

Vocabulary learning and retention through multimedia glossing.

Drawing on Mayer's (2014) cognitive theory of multimedia learning, the purpose of this study was to examine which modes of gloss presentation (i.e., ...

Effects of web-based multimedia annotated vocabulary learning in ...

Effects of web-based multimedia annotated vocabulary learning in context model on foreign language vocabulary retention of ıntermediate level english langauge ...

University Students' Multimedia Use in Learning English Vocabulary

The achievement tests which consisted of a pretest, posttest and retention test were employed. Moreover, the questionnaires were used to explore their ...

Vocabulary learning and retention through multimedia glossing

A refereed journal for L2 researchers and educators interested in the role of technology in advancing language learning and teaching.

Multimedia Gloss Presentation: Learners' Preference and the Effects ...

Regarding whether adding pictures to marginal glossing would aid L2 learners' vocabulary retention, the results are also controversial.

Vocabulary Learning and Retention through Multimedia Glossing

Drawing on Mayer's (2014) cognitive theory of multimedia learning, the purpose of this study was to examine which modes of gloss presentation (i.e., ...

Effects of Text, Audio, and Graphic Aids in Multimedia Instruction for ...

However, the results show that written words alone may help students to learn and retain English vocabulary. A possible reason for this is that EFL learners ...

The effects of segmentation on cognitive load, vocabulary learning ...

High segmentation in multimedia learning significantly impacts cognitive load, vocabulary learning, comprehension, and retention.

Effect of screen size on multimedia vocabulary learning.

... study multimedia instruction, a posttest and a retention test online. The pretest, posttest and retention test were identical and included 30 vocabulary ...