
The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage by Alan Manning. Published in volume 35, issue 1, pages 3-26 of Journal of Economic Perspectives, ...

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage - jstor

In the large number of papers that try to estimate the effect of minimum wages on employment, there is a danger of losing sight of the “why” question: ...

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage Alan Manning

The reason for the elusive employment effect is that there are reason why the link between higher minimum wages and higher labor costs are ...

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage - IDEAS/RePEc

This paper argues the elusive employment effect is unlikely to be solved by better data, methodology, or specification.

Data and Code for "The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum ...

Data and Code for "The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage" ; Summary: View help for Summary This paper reviews the reasons, both empirical and ...

The elusive employment effect of the minimum wage

Abstract: There is a huge body of empirical research on the employment effect of the minimum wage that has failed to clearly demonstrate the ...

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage

It is hard to find a negative effect on the employment effect of rises in the minimum wage: the elusive employment effect. It is much easier to find an ...

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage - ResearchGate

The reason for the elusive employment effect is that there are reason why the link between higher minimum wages and higher labor costs are weaker than one might ...

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage - Ex Libris

The reasons for the elusive employment effect are the factors contributing to why the link between higher minimum wages and higher labor costs are weaker than ...

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage Alan Manning

In the large number of papers that try to estimate what the effect of minimum wages are on employment, there is a danger of losing sight of the 'why' question – ...

Behind the Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage

In South Korea, part-time workers must receive a full day's pay when they work over 15 hours a week. This study leverages this regulation to ...

[PDF] The Elusive Effects of Minimum Wages - Semantic Scholar

152 Citations · Chapter 32 Minimum wages, employment, and the distribution of income · Theory and Evidence on the Political Economy of the Minimum Wage · Minimum ...

The elusive employment effect of the minimum wage - IDEAS/RePEc

Abstract. There is a huge body of empirical research on the employment effect of the minimum wage that has failed to clearly demonstrate the negative effect ...

manning-2016-elusive-employment-effect.pdf - Equitable Growth

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage. Alan Manning. Centre for Economic Performance. London School of Economics. May 2016. Abstract. There is a ...

Research Notes: The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage

My brief summary and thoughts on The Elusive Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage by Manning from the Journal of Economic Perspectives, ...

Vol. 35, No. 1, Winter 2021 - American Economic Association

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage. by Alan Manning. (pp. 3–26) ; City Limits: What Do Local-Area Minimum Wages Do? by Arindrajit Dube and Attila ...

The Elusive Effects of Minimum Wages* - CiteSeerX

Another major chapter examines the increase in the Califor- nia minimum wage in July 1988, comparing teenage employment and retail trade employ- ment in ...

The Effect of Minimum Wages on Low-Wage Jobs

We propose a novel method that infers the employment effect of a minimum wage increase by comparing the number of excess jobs paying at or slightly above the ...

The Employment Effect of an Increase in the National Minimum Wage

Instead, international experiences with large, federal minimum wage increases may provide more insight into the potential effects on employment by accounting ...

The Elusive Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage - UI Library

It is hard to find a negative effect on the employment effect of rises in the minimum wage: the elusive employment effect. It is much easier to find an ...