
The Em Dash

How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-)

The em dash (—) can function like a comma, a colon, or parenthesis. Like commas and parentheses, em dashes set off extra information, such as examples, ...

What Is An Em Dash (—) & How Do You Use It? -

An em dash is a punctuation mark that can be used to replace commas, parentheses, colons, and semicolons. In general, the em dash is seen as ...

Em dash | The Punctuation Guide

The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. Depending on the context, the em dash can take the place of commas, parentheses, or colons⁠—in ...

How to Use — and Not Use — the Almighty Em Dash | by Peter Rubin

An em dash is the most assertive member of the hyphen family; em is typographer-speak for the full width of whatever point size you're writing in.

When to Use an Em Dash - Grammarly

Use an em dash to bring focus to a list. When a sentence begins with an independent clause and ends with a list, you can use a colon between the clause and the ...

Em Dash (—) vs. En Dash (–) | How to Use in Sentences - Scribbr

The em dash is used to mark a break in a sentence, while the en dash is used to mark ranges. Don't confuse dashes with hyphens.

Is the Em Dash; a common punctuation sign ''—'' used by Native ...

the Em Dash; a common punctuation sign ''—'' used by Native-English speakers in North America; when you're writing or editing something ...

The Power of Em Dashes - The Tech

em dashes don't trumpet their presence and hog the spotlight — they generously share it. They're indispensable leaders that sacrifice for the ...

The Hyphen and the Dash - University of Sussex

The dash (—), also called the em dash, is the long horizontal bar, much longer than a hyphen. Few keyboards have a dash, but a word processor can usually ...

In Defense of the Em Dash. Writers worry they overuse it. They…

An em dash is a dramatic slash — the thickest, widest, most exuberant piece of punctuation we've got. It's a typographic gesture, a dramatic ...

Let's Get Picky: the Em Dash, the En Dash, and the Hyphen

First, and the easiest, is just to type two hyphens; the computer will automatically convert the two hyphens into an em dash. Also, you can hold ...

Using an Em Dash to Step Up Your Writing Game | GG Copywriting

An em dash is a long dash (like this one: —) that can be used in place of parentheses, commas, semicolons, or colons.

Hyphens, En Dashes, and Em Dashes - San Jose State University

At this stage in your academic career, you've likely encountered the hyphen, the em dash, and the en dash in your reading. These punctuation marks look ...

The Em Dash Divides - The New York Times

The em dash is a vice that their editors occasionally forgive but more often forbid. It has been duly cast as an alluring alternative to the comma, colon, ...

Regarding the Em Dash - The Millions

The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. Depending on the context, the em dash can take the place of commas, parentheses, or colons.

The Em Dash, a guest post by Rachel Harris - Literary Ashland

Rachel Harris is studying English and Shakespeare Studies at Southern Oregon University. She proofreads all her text messages and inserts the correct dash.

Using Dashes Correctly - University of Houston-Victoria

Em-dashes can also be used to set off extra information in a sentence. You can think of em-dashes like commas that set off extra information (a non-restrictive ...

Em Dashes vs. En Dashes: How to Use Each | Moms Who Write

An em dash (—) is roughly the size of the letter M, while an en dash (–) is the size of the letter N. The functions of em dashes and en dashes ...

Dash - Wikipedia

The dash is a punctuation mark consisting of a long horizontal line. It is similar in appearance to the hyphen but is longer and sometimes higher from the ...

Dashes | Google developer documentation style guide

To indicate a break in the flow of a sentence—or an interruption—use an em dash, also known as a long dash. Don't put a space before or after it ...