
The Federal Role in Historic Preservation

The Federal Role in Historic Preservation: An Overview

These designations include national monuments, national historical parks, national historic sites, national historic landmarks, and properties ...

Federal Historic Preservation Laws, Regulations, and Orders

The Park Service's historic preservation work is governed by federal law (United States Code [USC] and Public Laws [PL]), federal regulations (Code of Federal ...

Federal Preservation Legislation and Executive Orders

... Congress made the federal government a full partner and a leader in historic preservation. In the words of the NHPA, the federal government's role is to ...

The Federal Role in Historic Preservation: An Overview - CRS Reports

During the 20th century, Congress passed several laws that established a framework for federal historic preservation activities.

Summary of the Federal Historic Preservation Program

The 1966 Act, under Title II, also established the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), which became independent in 1976. Broadly speaking, the ...

Historic Preservation Policy, Tools & Resources - GSA

GSA learns and innovates while preserving America's cultural heritage. The Center for Historic Buildings collects, refines and maintains ...

The Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Federal ...

Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (hereinafter referred to as NHPA or the Act) sets out the broad historic preservation ...

Federal Historic Preservation Program - NCSHPO

Other important ingredients of the federal historic preservation program include the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, ...

Historic Preservation Act | U.S. Department of the Interior

As directed by Congress, the NHPA set in motion a process to reduce the loss of much of the nation's invaluable heritage and established the means for the ...

Protecting Historic Properties

... National Historic Preservation Act ... Everyone from federal preservation officers to members of the public play a role in this review.

Agencies - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

The goal of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), which established the ACHP in 1966, is to have federal agencies act as ...

National Historic Preservation Act - Wikipedia

The National Historic Preservation Act is legislation intended to preserve historic and archaeological sites in the United States of America.

Historic Preservation | U.S. Department of the Interior

The Park Service's historic preservation work is governed by federal law (United States Code [USC] and Public Laws [PL]), federal regulations (Code of Federal ...

NHPA Guide: Requirements, Process and Compliance for ...

The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) stands as a pivotal piece of legislation that safeguards the United States' irreplaceable cultural heritage.

National Historic Preservation Act |

The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) directs federal agencies to take into account the effect of any undertaking (a federally funded or assisted ...

Historic preservation | GSA

GSA learns and innovates while preserving America's architectural heritage. The Center for Historic Buildings collects, refines and maintains this knowledge.

Section 106 Tutorial: Roles and Responsibilities - FHWA

A project requires an approval from FHWA. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) requires the Federal agency to: Take into account ...

The Government's Role in Historic Preservation | Planetizen Courses

This course takes an in-depth look at the role of federal, state, and local governments in historic preservation. The course aims to expand the ...

National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 - NCSHPO

The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 was passed primarily to acknowledge the importance of protecting our nation's heritage from rampant federal ...

The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended) - BLM

The Federal government should play a vital role in historic preservation, by accelerating its own historic preservation programs and by assisting the efforts of.