
The Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity

The Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity

A firm's productivity depends on how production is organized. To under- stand this relationship we develop a theory of an economy where firms with.

The Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity | NBER

Our results indicate that, as a result of a bilateral trade liberalization, firms that export will increase the number of layers of management and will ...

Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity - Oxford Academic

We use the theory to analyze the impact of international trade on organization and calibrate the model to the U.S. economy. Our results indicate that, as a ...

The Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity - IDEAS/RePEc

Our results indicate that, as a result of a bilateral trade liberalization, firms that export will increase the number of layers of management. The new ...

The Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity - AWS

Trade, Organization, and Productivity. November 2011. 27 / 36. Page 28. Impact of Trade on Internal Organization: Non-exporters. 0. 5. 10. 15. 20. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity - IDEAS/RePEc

The new organization of the average exporter results in higher productivity, although the responses of productivity are heterogeneous across these firms. In ...

The Impact of Trade on Organization and Productivity - ResearchGate

We use the theory to analyze the impact of international trade on organization and calibrate the model to the U.S. economy. Our results indicate that, as a ...

Esteban Rossi-Hansberg - Princeton University

Liberalizing trade from autarky to the level of openness in 2002 results in a 1% increase in productivity for the marginal exporter and a 1.8% increase in its ...

The Effects of Trade on Organization and Productivity - ResearchGate

The new organization of the average exporter results in higher productivity, although the responses of productivity are heterogenous across these firms. The ...

International trade and US productivity -

First is the well-documented fact that almost all of the gain in measured productivity growth in the nonfarm business sector has taken place in the ...

The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Firm Productivity and Innovation

At the firm level, the positive effects of trade on innovation are more pronounced at the initially more productive firms while the negative ...

The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate ...

more productive firms. The paper also shows how the aggregate industry productivity growth generated by the reallocations contributes to a welfare gain, ...

The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Firm Productivity and Innovation

At the firm level, the positive effects of trade on innovation are more pronounced at the initially more productive firms, while the negative effects are more ...

The influence of international trade on labour productivity in services ...

We find that growth of imports and exports strengthened labour productivity in services, but the contribution was smaller in subsectors with more college ...

The relationship between trade and productivity - LSE

Download the report "The relationship between trade and productivity" (Department for Business & Trade, September 2023).

The impact of trade liberalization on productivity distribution under ...

Highlights · Trade liberalization changes the Pareto exponent of productivity distribution. · The future innovation possibility delays the firm's exit. · Trade ...

Trade, Productivity and (Mis)allocation, WP/20/163, August 2020

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 theoretically and ... We examine the impact of international trade on aggregate productivity.

Firms, trade, and productivity - International Growth Centre

The consequence for policy in developing countries is to understand how entrepreneurs' business knowledge and management practices can be improved in order to ...

Trade, productivity, and services input intensity

Firms that export are more productive only for a sub-sample spanning the manufacturing sector. We do not find evidence that using service inputs ...

How Lowering Trade Barriers Can Revive Global Productivity and ...

Weak productivity growth in many advanced and emerging market economies in the wake of the global financial crisis is raising concerns about ...