
The Impressive Profits of Nonprofit Hospitals

The Impressive Profits of Nonprofit Hospitals - Danielle Ofri

Hospitals that earn several thousand dollars in profit per patient. The most profitable nonprofit hospitals tend to be part of huge health care systems.

Opinion | Why Are Nonprofit Hospitals So Highly Profitable?

The most profitable nonprofit hospitals tend to be part of huge health care systems. Consolidations are one of the driving forces behind the ...

U.S. Nonprofit Hospitals Received More than $37 Billion in Total Tax ...

The central finding was that nonprofits in 2021 received a total of $37.4 billion in benefits, including federal income tax benefits ($11.5 ...

Study estimates $37.4 billion in nonprofit hospital tax benefits

When ranked by net income — total revenues minus total expenses — the 29 hospitals that make up the top 1% accounted for one-quarter of the ...

Nonprofit hospitals should see more revenue in 2024, Moody's ...

The investor's service projects a 'stable' outlook for hospitals in the next year, but says high costs will remain 'a trouble spot.'.

An Irresponsible Take on Nonprofit Hospitals' Value to Patients and ...

In 2020, the most recent year of data, nonprofit hospitals and systems provided nearly $130 billion in benefits to communities — $20 billion ...

Advancing IT at Nonprofit Hospitals Despite Budget Constraints - VC3

Guided by a mission to serve the community rather than generate profits, these hospitals frequently provide free or reduced-cost care to underserved populations ...

How Nonprofit Hospitals Put Profits Over Patients

Today, nonprofit hospitals were founded to help the poor. But a “Times” investigation has found that many are abandoning those patients in ...

How Nonprofit Hospitals Put Profits Over Patients - YouTube

Nonprofit hospitals — which make up around half of hospitals in the United States — were founded to help the poor. But a Times investigation ...

Nonprofit hospitals use proceeds to boost cash reserves rather than ...

“The increase in cash reserves between 2012 and 2019 is quite striking when compared to the absence of an increase in charity care for nonprofit ...

Nonprofit hospitals face 'another tough year' in 2024, Fitch Ratings ...

Given the current financial climate, Holloran sees what he calls a “trifurcation” of nonprofit hospitals: the thriving systems, those who are ...

New EY Analysis: Tax-Exempt Hospitals' Community Benefits Nine ...

In 2019, the estimated tax revenue forgone due to the tax-exempt status of non-profit hospitals is $12.4 billion. In comparison, the benefit tax ...

Sanders Attacks Nonprofit Hospitals On Charity Care

Some 16 of the largest nonprofit hospital systems in the U.S. generate $3 billion in revenue and 12 of them allocate just 2% to charity care, according to ...

Nonprofit vs. For-profit Hospitals - Incredible Health

For-profit hospitals are mainly located in areas with under or uninsured patients, while nonprofit hospitals tend to be situated in wealthier regions.

Charity Care is Profitable Business - CMG Law

Thousands of hospitals around the country operate as registered non-profits. This means they provide charity care – free care to low-income ...

Prioritizing Patient Benefits Over Hospital Income

A Nov. 30, 2023, essay in The New York Times titled “Why Are Nonprofit Hospitals Focused More on Dollars Than Patients?” raised several eye-opening points ...

Control Without Ownership: Governance of Nonprofit Hospitals

The study finds that nonprofit hospitals have higher numbers of both independent and non-independent directors compared to for-profits. Taking ...

'Profits over patients': Study finds charity care lackluster for nonprofit ...

A majority of the state's hospitals (85%) are nonprofits. Of the 99 nonprofit hospitals, the average profit margin was 8% and the average ...

Hospital Service Offerings Still Differ Substantially By Ownership Type

Nonprofit, for-profit, and government hospitals are all more likely to offer services when they are relatively profitable than when they are relatively ...

Study: Nonprofits hospitals' charity care shrank as profits grew

Years of rising operating profits and cash reserves did not translate to greater charity care across the nation's nonprofit hospitals, according to a study ...