
The Labor Impact of Superstar Firms

The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms

The superstar firm framework implies that the reallocation of economic activity among firms with differing heterogeneous productivity and labor shares is key to.

Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms

The firm i subscripts indicate that for given economy-wide values of (αL, w ⁠, ρ), a firm will have a lower labor share if its markup is higher. Superstar firms ...

The Labor Impact of Superstar Firms

“Because these superstar firms are more profitable,” the authors write, “they will have a smaller share of their labor in total sales or value added.

The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms

network effects, as long as high market share firms have lower labor shares.10. A high level of concentration does not necessarily mean that there is persistent ...

The Impact of Superstar Firms on the Labor Share: Evidence from ...

We provide evidence for the link between the rise of market concentration and the decrease of the labor share in its two largest sectors.

The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar FirmsThis is ...

Third, the increase in market toughness will increase individual firms' labor shares as markups fall, a within-firm effect. The net effect of an increase in ...

The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms

network effects, as long as high market share firms have lower labor shares.15 A high level of con- centration does not necessarily mean that there is ...

The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms

The fall of labor's share of GDP in the United States and many other countries in recent decades is well documented but its causes remain uncertain. Existing ...

The Decline of Labor's Share: Unveiling the Impact of Superstar Firms

Superstar firms, which dominate in more industries now, may lead to a fall in economic dynamism and productivity, which can negatively impact ...

The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms

In particular, the superstar firm model (Autor et al., 2020) has demonstrated that increasing competition could lead to two simultaneous forces: ...

The Rise of Superstar Firms: Causes and Consequences

the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms” (2017,. 2020, QJE). • Bloom, Sadun, Schuh and Van Reenen (2021). “Management as Capital”. • My ...

The fall of the labor share and the rise of superstar firms

Existing empirical assessments typically rely on industry or macro data, obscuring heterogeneity among firms. ... Since these firms have high markups and a low ...

The Impact of Superstar Firms on the Labor Share: - ProQuest

A novel strand in the literature focusses on its granular drivers. Recent research in the United States suggests that superstar firms, defined as large firms ...

The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms | IZA

The fall of labor's share of GDP in the United States and many other countries in recent decades is well documented but its causes remain uncertain.

Concentrating on the Fall of the Labor Share

New technologies may also have strengthened network effects and favored firms that are more ... “The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms.” ...

The impact of superstar firms on the labor share -

VIVES (KU Leuven); and Vlerick Business School. Yannick Bormans. VIVES (KU Leuven). Page 3. The impact of superstar firms on the labor share.

Rise of superstar firms and fall of the price mechanism

Over the past several decades, we have seen the rise of superstar firms such as Google, Amazon, and Apple. In my job market paper, ...

The rise of superstar firms | UBS Center

The rise of 'superstar' companies has serious implications for competition law, particularly if further research determines such firms indeed exploit relative ...

The Rise of Superstar Firms and the Fall of the Labor Share

There is this idea out there -- superstar firms, these firms that are highly productive, highly capable, that's causing the economic activity to reallocate from ...

The Rise of Superstar Firms and the Fall of the Labor Share (David ...

The “labor share” of GDP has fallen since 2000. Is this another sign that the robots are going to rule our economy?