
The Myth Of Secular Stagnation

The Myth of Secular Stagnation by Joseph E. Stiglitz

Some economists argued that the United States, and perhaps the global economy, was suffering from “secular stagnation,” an idea first conceived in the ...

Stiglitz - The Myth of Secular Stagnation - CU Global Thought

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, some economists argued that the United States, and perhaps the global economy, was suffering from ...

Harvard's Larry H. Summers on Secular Stagnation – IMF F&D

With a somewhat different list of factors in mind, the Harvard economist Alvin Hansen labeled the failure of private investment to fully absorb private ...

Unraveling the Secular Stagnation Story - Cato Institute

Once regime uncertainty enters the picture, the secular stagnation story unravels. Private investment, the cornerstone of the story, is weak not ...

The Myth of "Secular Stagnation" - Hoover Institution

Presented as a profound new insight, the latest explanation for the lackluster recovery is a sorry example of sloppy thinking and stale ...

What Mainstream Economists Get Wrong About Secular Stagnation

Forget the myth of a savings glut causing near-zero interest rates. We have a shortage of aggregate demand, and only public spending and ...

Debate: Stiglitz vs. Summers on Secular Stagnation

NEW YORK – In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, some economists argued that the United States, and perhaps the global economy, was ...

Stiglitz, Summers, Secular Stagnation, and the Supply Side

Joe Stiglitz recently published an attack, “The Myth of Secular Stagnation,” on Larry Summers' hypothesis of secular stagnation, ...

Setting the Record Straight on Secular Stagnation - Larry Summers

The theory of secular stagnation, as advanced by Alvin Hansen and echoed by me, holds that, left to its own devices, the private economy may not ...

Secular stagnation - Wikipedia

In economics, secular stagnation is a condition when there is negligible or no economic growth in a market-based economy.

You May Be Experiencing Secular Stagnation : Planet Money - NPR

Secular stagnation is a situation where the private sector of an economy has a tendency to save a great deal and a limited propensity to invest.

Secular Stagnation - Definition, Problems, Solutions

The term “secular stagnation” refers to a state of little or no economic growth – in other words, an environment where the economy is essentially stagnant. “ ...

Secular Stagnation: How Religion Endures in a Godless AgeHow ...

As people grew richer and more educated, the thinking went, they would begin to rely less on the solace and meaning provided by faith.

A brief history of secular stagnation | World Economic Forum

When secular stagnation is mentioned, the term is usually correctly attributed to Alvin Hansen's 1938 AEA Presidential Address (1939). It is ...

Will secular stagnation return? The stakes for current economic ...

Social insurance expansion and public investment spending financed by progressive taxes would help combat secular stagnation. Long periods when ...

Secular stagnation? Is there statistical evidence of an ...

On the demand side, according to Summers (2014) the decrease in overall world growth and concerns about a systematic savings-investment mismatch since the ...

The Age of Secular Stagnation - Larry Summers

Secular stagnation occurs when neutral real interest rates are sufficiently low that they cannot be achieved through conventional central-bank ...

The myth of secular stagnation - Portfolio Construction Forum

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, some economists argued that the United States, and perhaps the global economy, was suffering ...

The Age of Secular Stagnation - Foreign Affairs

LAWRENCE H. SUMMERS is President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Economics at Harvard University. He served as U.S. ...

Secular Stagnation: The Long View | NBER

Secular Stagnation: The Long View ... The greater the changes required by new technologies, the author reasons, the more growth may slow in the short run, but ...