
The Scientific Reason Why You're More Likely to Binge Drink at ...

The Scientific Reason Why You're More Likely to Binge Drink at ...

According to Professor John D. Clapp, who is building system dynamics models for understanding drinking patterns, both social and ...

Prone to binge drinking? This might be why - MedicalNewsToday

The KCNK13-deprived mice drank 20–30 percent more alcohol than their normal counterparts. Prof. Brodie explains the findings, saying, “We ...

Understanding Binge Drinking

Over time, alcohol misuse, including repeated episodes of binge drinking, contributes to liver and other chronic diseases as well as increases the risk of ...

Binge Drinking: Health Effects, Signs, and Prevention - WebMD

Nine out of 10 binge drinkers aren't dependent on alcohol, but doctors and scientists think they're more likely to develop alcohol use disorder.

High-Intensity Drinking - PMC - NCBI

It is largely established that the binge threshold for women should be lower than for men, because women become more intoxicated than men when consuming the ...

Binge drinking | Drinkaware

You become more vulnerable when you are drunk. The sorts of things that are more likely to happen if you drink a lot in a short space of time include ...

Why you're more likely to drink when you're happy than when you're ...

The study found that people were more likely to binge drink on the days they were in a good mood.

Binge Drinking: What it is, the Effects, and How to Stop

Certain personality traits can make you more prone to engage in binge drinking. If you're a highly impulsive person, you may be more likely to ...

Effects, Risks, and Dangers of Binge Drinking

However, freshmen may be at risk for heavy drinking and other alcohol-related consequences because for most, it's the first time they're living ...

Cause of Binge Drinking - Banyan Treatment Center

Many people are either pressured by their peers to join in on the “fun” and drink, making it seem as if drinking is necessary to have fun or socialize and ...

Binge Drinking (for Teens) | Nemours KidsHealth

They believe that it will make them feel good, not realizing it could just as easily make them sick and hungover. They may look at alcohol as a way to reduce ...

The Psychology of Binge Drinking - Alcohol - The Right Step

Some people drink too much because they are physically addicted to alcohol, but not everyone who drinks heavily is actually physically dependent on it.

Binge Drinking - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

However, binge drinkers were more likely to report drinking to be sociable, to conform, to forget worries and for excitement. They also reported higher levels ...

Binge Drinking vs. Alcoholism: What's the Difference? - Healthline

An episode of binge drinking can bring your blood alcohol content (BAC) to dangerous, even life-threatening levels. As a result, you might ...

For the First Time in History, Women Are Binge Drinking More Than ...

“I theorize that increased amounts of stress seem to have a large influence on the trend for increased alcohol intake in general. I think ...

Binge drinking - Wikipedia

The more often a child or adolescent binge drinks and the younger they are the more likely that they will develop an alcohol use disorder including alcoholism.

Partying and getting drunk - CAMH

Young people who binge drink are especially at risk. This is because they are less familiar with the effects of alcohol, and are more likely to do something ...

The Latest Research on Young Men and Binge Drinking

Research shows that alcohol consumption triggers more dopamine in the male brain, which may contribute to men's higher risk of developing ...

Drinking Excessively? Here's How to Gain Control Over Binge ...

When you binge drink, you consume more alcohol than your liver can process, leading to a higher blood alcohol content (BAC) and other effects on ...

How Alcohol Impacts the Brain - Northwestern Medicine

During euphoria, you may feel relaxed and confident. But, your reasoning and memory may be slightly impaired. Often referred to as "tipsy," this stage occurs ...