
The Supply|Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited*

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited ... Previous studies have concluded that the two OPEC shocks, the two roughly ...

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited

We find that the classic supply-shock explanation holds up very well; in particular, neither data revisions nor updated econometric estimates ...

The Supply Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited by ...

We also rebut several variants of the claim that monetary policy, rather than supply shocks, was really to blame for the inflation spikes.

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited

Abstract. U.S. inflation data exhibit two notable spikes into the double-digit range in 1973-1974 and again in 1978-1980. The well-known "supply-shock" ...

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited

We also rebut several variants of the claim that monetary policy, rather than supply shocks, was really to blame for the inflation spikes.

2. The Supply- Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited

2. The Supply- Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited was published in The Great Inflation on page 119.

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited ... This item may be available elsewhere in EconPapers: Search for items with the same title.

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited ; Alan S Blinder · Jeremy B Rudd · Electronic eBook · Available in NBER - National Bureau of ...

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited

Download Citation | The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited | Previous studies have concluded that the two OPEC shocks, ...

The supply shock explanation of the great stagflation revisited

The supply shock explanation of the great stagflation revisited ; 2008 · Blinder, Alan S. ; Rudd, Jeremy B. · Princeton, NJ : Center for Economic Policy Studies.

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited

The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited. ... The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited. Flag for USA NBER on ...

The Great Stagflation Revisited | askblog - Arnold Kling

He cites a number of possible explanations: a less energy-intensive economy; more flexible wages; more public confidence that the Fed will hold ...

From the Stagflation to the Great Inflation: Explaining the US ... - Cairn

He explained the first phase of accelerating inflation (1972-1974) by rising food and energy prices, and Nixon wage-price controls. The second peak of 1978-1979 ...

Supply Shocks and Monetary Policy Revisited - jstor

One possible explanation for this outcome is that economic agents initially ... cause stagflation, because agents only gradu-. Page 5. 42 A EA PAPERS AND ...

Stagflation - Wikipedia

Stagflation refers to an economic condition characterized by a simultaneous occurrence of high inflation, stagnant economic growth, and elevated ...

Credit Crunches and the Great Stagflation - NYU Stern

“The Supply-Shock Explanation of the Great. Stagflation Revisited.” In The Great Inflation: The Rebirth of Modern Central Banking. 119–. 175. University of ...

From the Stagflation to the Great Inflation - Aurélien Goutsmedt

The supply-shock explanation of the Great. Stagflation revisited ... Supply Shocks and Monetary Policy Revisited. GRAMLICH-E-1979.

From the Stagflation to the Great Inflation: Explaining the US ... - HAL

Second, the dominant type of explanations has changed between the two periods (1975-1986;. 1997-2013). In the late 1970s and early 1980s, supply ...

Oil shocks redux - CEPR

Rudd. 2008. The supply-shock explanation of the Great Stagflation revisited. NBER Working Paper no. 14563, December. Cecchetti, Stephen G., ...

Stagflation revisited - Paul Krugman | Substack

The natural explanation would emphasize supply shocks — oil and other commodity prices — amplified by the widespread existence of cost-of-living ...