- The association between statistical learning and language ...🔍
- The association between statistical learning and the development of ...🔍
- Statistical learning and language acquisition🔍
- Statistical learning in language acquisition🔍
- A meta|analysis of 97 studies reveals that statistical learning and ...🔍
- [PDF] Statistical learning and language acquisition.🔍
- Advancing Our Understanding of the Link between Statistical ...🔍
- Statistical learning of language🔍
The association between statistical learning and language ...
The association between statistical learning and language ...
Typically developing infants and children with stronger auditory and audio-visual statistical learning skills perform better on lexical competence tasks.
The association between statistical learning and language ...
The statistical account of language acquisition asserts that language is learned through computations on the statistical regularities ...
The association between statistical learning and language ...
Given that statistical learning has been attested across different domains and modalities, a central question is which modality is more tightly ...
The association between statistical learning and language ... - OSF
al., 2015) of primary studies that tested the association between statistical learning skills and language proficiency in typically developing infants and ...
The association between statistical learning and the development of ...
Statistical learning (SL) is a cognitive mechanism that detects and extracts regularities from environmental input.
Statistical learning and language acquisition - PMC - PubMed Central
Human learners, including infants, are highly sensitive to structure in their environment. Statistical learning refers to the process of extracting this ...
The association between statistical learning and the development of ...
Statistical learning (SL) is a cognitive mechanism that detects and extracts regularities from environmental input. SL is componential, varying across ...
Statistical learning in language acquisition - Wikipedia
Statistical learning is the ability for humans and other animals to extract statistical regularities from the world around them to learn about the ...
A meta-analysis of 97 studies reveals that statistical learning and ...
Despite the widely held belief that individual differences in statistical learning (SL) abilities are associated with linguistic skills, ...
[PDF] Statistical learning and language acquisition. - Semantic Scholar
Current research is extending the initial findings of infants' sensitivity to basic statistical information in many different directions, ...
Advancing Our Understanding of the Link between Statistical ...
A now substantial body of research suggests that language acquisition is underpinned by a child's capacity for statistical learning (SL).
Statistical learning of language - Carnegie Mellon University
Those experiments demonstrated that infants could segment fluent speech on the basis of the co-occurrence probability between adjacent syllables, a statistical ...
Statistical learning abilities and their relation to language - Siegelman
These observations have had a profound impact on the study of language, highlighting statistical aspects of the linguistic input that can be ...
The Roles of Nonlinguistic Statistical Learning and Memory in ... - CSD
Background & Objectives: Statistical learning of transitional probabilities is a basic mechanism that may influence language performance.
Statistical Learning and Language Impairments: Toward More ...
Statistical-learning (SL) theory offers an experience-based account of typical and atypical spoken and written language acquisition.
Statistical learning ability at 17 months relates to early reading skills ...
There are two possible ways in which statistical learning may highlight the relation between oral language and reading development. It could be that statistical ...
... of the association between statistical learning skills and language outcomes in typically developing infants and children, provide ...
Contribution of statistical learning in learning to read across languages
Statistical Learning (SL) refers to human's ability to detect regularities from environment Kirkham, N. Z. (2002) & Saffran, J. R. (1996).
Statistical learning abilities and their relation to language
It is argued that while previous studies had an important role in establishing the existence of some coarse-grained link between SL and language, ...
Statistical learning abilities and their relation to language
These observations have had a profound impact on the study of language, highlighting statistical aspects of the linguistic input that can be ...