
The crisis in the foreign exchange market

The crisis in the foreign exchange market - EconStor

The financial crisis of 2007-2008 had major implications for the foreign exchange market. We review events and implications for exchange rates, volatility, ...

The Crisis in the Foreign Exchange Market | Publications - CESifo

The financial crisis of 2007-2008 had major implications for the foreign exchange market. We review events and implications for exchange rates, volatility, ...

The crisis in the foreign exchange market - EconPapers - RePEc

By Michael Melvin and Mark Taylor; Abstract: We provide an overview of the important events of the recent global financial crisis and their ...

The crisis in the foreign exchange market -

We provide an overview of the important events of the recent global financial crisis and their implications for exchange rates and market dynamics.

The crisis in the foreign exchange market - IDEAS/RePEc

Abstract. We provide an overview of the important events of the recent global financial crisis and their implications for exchange rates and market dynamics.

Currency Crisis: What It Is, Examples, and Effects - Investopedia

These are a sudden and drastic devaluation in a nation's currency matched by volatile markets and a lack of faith in the nation's economy. A currency crisis can ...

The Crisis in the Foreign Exchange Market - Search eLibrary :: SSRN

The financial crisis of 2007-2008 had major implications for the foreign exchange market. We review events and implications for exchange ...

The crisis in the foreign exchange market - WRAP: Warwick

Melvin, Michael and Taylor, Mark P. (2009) The crisis in the foreign exchange market. In: Conference on Global Financial Crisis - Causes, Threats and ...

The global foreign exchange market in a higher-volatility environment

Turnover in global foreign exchange markets reached $7.5 trillion per day in April 2022, in a market that was more volatile than during the ...

The Crisis in the Foreign Exchange Market | Request PDF

2 It may also be due to "hot potato trading" rather than an increase in market liquidity, similar to what was documented by Melvin and Taylor (2009) during the ...

Finance & Development June 1998 -The Asian Crisis: Causes and ...

Analysis suggests that the chances of a currency or banking crisis are increased when the economy is overheated: inflation is high, the real exchange rate has ...

Activity in Global Foreign Exchange Markets | Bulletin

Growth was slower than in earlier years, consistent with a slowdown in the underlying demand for foreign exchange owing to the impact of the global financial ...

Currency Crises - National Bureau of Economic Research

Both the canonical currency crisis model and the second-generation models presume that foreign exchange markets are efficient-that is, that they make the best ...

Lessons from history from three generations of currency crises - CEPR

Each generation of the emerging markets crises exhibited exuberant behaviour in the run-up to the crash, where short-term capital ('hot money') ...

Currency Crisis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

A currency crisis may be defined as a speculative attack on the foreign exchange value of a currency that either results in a sharp depreciation or forces the ...

Currency crisis - Wikipedia

In general, a currency crisis can be defined as a situation when the participants in an exchange market come to recognize that a pegged exchange rate is about ...

When Foreign Exchange Intervention Can Best Help Countries ...

For example, should rapid capital outflows cripple crucial funding markets and cause a sharp drop in the exchange rate, a central bank can sell ...

How Global Events Affect the Forex Market - Investopedia

Global events can immediately affect exchange rates and currency values due to the interconnectedness of the forex marketplace · Much of a currency's value ...

Asian Financial Crisis | Federal Reserve History

Hong Kong faced several large but unsuccessful speculative attacks on its currency peg to the dollar, the first of which triggered short-term stock market sell- ...

Lessons for the foreign exchange market from the global financial ...

The timing of the subprime crisis that became the global crisis is well known. Its impact on the foreign exchange markets has been much less ...