
The effects of the new statutory minimum wage in Germany

The effects of the new statutory minimum wage in Germany

Germany did not establish a statutory minimum wage until 2015. The new wage floor was set at an initial level of €8.50 per hour.

EconStor: The effects of the new statutory minimum wage in Germany

When it was introduced, about 11 percent of German employees earned less than that amount. ... The evidence shows that the minimum wage has increased hourly wages ...

The effects of the new statutory minimum wage in Germany

Germany did not establish a statutory minimum wage until 2015. The new wage floor was set at an initial level of €8.50 per hour. When it was introduced, ...

The effects of the new statutory minimum wage in Germany

While the majority of these studies found that sec- toral minimum wages had significant positive effects on the wages of low-paid workers and showed only ...

The introduction of a minimum wage in Germany and the effects on ...

In terms of personal income, the evidence suggests a notable increase in the hourly wage by €0.50 per hour (Burauel et al., 2020). However, ...

Employment Effects of the New German Minimum Wage

The authors present the first evidence on the consequences of the new statutory minimum wage in Germany, which was implemented on January 1, 2015.

What Does the German Minimum Wage Do? The Impact of the ...

In Germany in 2018, after the introduction and the first increase of the national minimum wage to 8.84 euros, approximately 4 percent of jobs ...

Employment effects of introducing a minimum wage: The case of ...

In 2015, the German government introduced a nationwide statutory minimum wage to reduce income inequality by improving the labour income of low-wage employees.

Effects of the German Minimum Wage on Earnings and Working ...

The results indicate an effect of the introduction of the statutory minimum wage on the average hourly wages of employees in minimum wage ...

The German Statutory Minimum Wage and Its Effects on Regional ...

The wage gap is defined as the average difference between the hourly wage rate and the statutory minimum wage for all hourly wages below the new wage floor ( ...

The new German statutory minimum wage in comparative perspective

We explore the consequences for wage structure, employment and companies. The new wage floor brought significant increases for low-paid employees.

(PDF) The new German statutory minimum wage in comparative ...

We explore the consequences for wage structure, employment and companies. The new wage floor brought significant increases for low-paid employees, with limited ...

The Effects of the Compulsory Minimum Wage in Germany - ifo Institut

Bellmann, L., Bossler, M., Gerner, H.-D., and O. Hübler (2018), Collective bargaining coverage, works councils and the new German minimum wage, Economic ...

Effects of the German minimum wage on earnings and working time ...

This study examines the effects of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany on hourly wages, monthly wages and paid working hours.

Wage Inequality in Germany after the Minimum Wage Introduction

While employment effects of the minimum wage are negligible, we find strong wage increases among the existing workforce. The minimum wage lowered wage ...

Effects of the Introduction of the Statutory Minimum Wage in Germany

mandated wage floor of €8.50 per hour. ... contractual working hours. ... employment increased temporarily because of the reform. ... nied by a ...

The German Statutory Minimum Wage and Its Effects on Regional ...

Overall, we find no statistically significant effect of the introduction of the German minimum wage on regular employment subject to social insurance, but a ...

Reallocation Effects of the Minimum Wage - Oxford Academic

Against this backdrop of rising wage inequality and the dwindling importance of trade unions, the German government introduced a nationwide minimum wage of € ...

The effects of Germany's new minimum wage on employment and ...

Concerning welfare dependency, the minimum wage reduced the number of working welfare recipients, with some indication that about one half of them left welfare ...

Germany: Minimum wage country profile - Eurofound

The specific level of the statutory minimum wage is set by a Minimum Wage Adjustment Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) every ...