
The leading global health challenges in the artificial intelligence era

The leading global health challenges in the artificial intelligence era

Millions of people's health is at risk because of several factors and multiple overlapping crises, all of which hit the vulnerable the most.

Artificial Intelligence in Global Health —A Framework and Strategy ...

Global health initiatives (GHI) have already begun to explore ways to leverage medical AI technologies to detect and mitigate public health inequities. For ...

The leading global health challenges in the artificial intelligence era

Mental Health, the Impact of climate change, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, Infectious diseases, health system, and population aging are examples of ...

Threats by artificial intelligence to human health and human existence

We describe three such main ways misused narrow AI serves as a threat to human health: through increasing opportunities for control and manipulation of people; ...

Global health in the age of AI: Safeguarding humanity ... - PLOS

The little transparency and lack of accountability mechanisms around some AI technology also threaten data confidentiality and privacy issues [6] ...

Artificial intelligence in healthcare - European Parliament

The study explains the main causes of AI errors: noise and artefacts in AI clinical inputs and measurements, data shift between AI training data and real-world ...

Artificial Intelligence for Global Health: Difficulties and Challenges

Global health (GH) aims to improve healthcare for all people on the planet and eradicate all avoidable diseases and deaths. The inception of Artificial ...

The uses and challenges of AI in global health - YouTube

... Lead, Wellcome - Dr Charles Mowbray - Discovery Director, Drugs for Neglected Tropical Diseases Initiative (DNDi) - Dr Craig Tipple ...

Artificial intelligence and the politics of avoidance in global health

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as the latest technology-based solution in global health. Yet, AI, like other technological interventions, is ...

Innovation and challenges of artificial intelligence technology in ...

... era wherein AI's role in healthcare is both ethically unimpeachable and conducive to elevating the global health quotient.

Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare: A Journey through History ...

For patients, AI can improve access to care, which would likely lead to improved patient satisfaction and follow-up. However, like other technological ...

Public Health Risks of Artificial Intelligence: Law and Policy ...

In May 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed unease over non-consensual uses of patient-specific data to train AI tools and ...

Digital health - World Health Organization (WHO)

Innovation, particularly in the digital sphere, is happening at unprecedented scale. Even so, its application to improve the health of populations remains ...

Artificial intelligence and the future of global health - The Lancet

AI-driven health interventions fit into four categories relevant to global health researchers: (1) diagnosis, (2) patient morbidity or mortality risk ...

Artificial intelligence empowering public health education - Frontiers

The manuscript strives to thoroughly evaluate the extant landscape of AI applications in public health, scrutinizing critical challenges such as ...

Why global health organizations are hiring chief AI officers

First and foremost, financing: without sufficient investment and alignment among stakeholders, countries risk losing momentum or exacerbating ...

Revolutionizing healthcare: the role of artificial intelligence in clinical ...

AI can help identify newly published data based on data from clinical trials and real-world patient outcomes within the same area of interest ...

Urgent health challenges for the next decade

Genome editing, synthetic biology, and digital health technologies such as artificial intelligence ... world's leading experts to review ...

Exploring the opportunities and challenges of implementing artificial ...

However, the findings show that the use of AI in the health sector hinders multifaceted challenges, including ethical and privacy-related issues, lack of ...

Transforming healthcare with AI: The impact on the workforce and ...

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform how healthcare is delivered. A joint report with the European Union's EIT Health ...