
The pathophysiology of amenorrhea in the adolescent

The pathophysiology of amenorrhea in the adolescent - PubMed

Menstrual irregularity is a common occurrence during adolescence, especially within the first 2-3 years after menarche. Prolonged amenorrhea, however ...

The Pathophysiology of Amenorrhea in the Adolescent - Golden

Hypothalamic amenorrhea is the most prevalent cause of amenorrhea in the adolescent age group, followed by polycystic ovary syndrome.

The Pathophysiology of Amenorrhea in the Adolescent

The use of recombinant leptin may improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of hypothalamic amenorrhea in adolescents and may also have therapeutic ...

The Pathophysiology of Amenorrhea in the Adolescent

The use of recombinant leptin to women with hypothalamic amenorrhea has been shown to restore LH pulsatility and ovulatory menstrual cycles and may improve ...

(PDF) The Pathophysiology of Amenorrhea in the Adolescent

Hypothalamic amenorrhea is the most prevalent cause of amenorrhea in the adolescent age group, followed by polycystic ovary syndrome.

Etiology and management of amenorrhea in adolescent and young ...

Most cases of amenorrhea are caused by dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis, which is the major regulator of the female reproductive ...

Amenorrhea in adolescents: a narrative review - Pediatric Medicine

Once the diagnosis of PCOS is established, the mainstay of treatment is oral contraceptives. These are effective in regulating menstrual cycles ...

Etiology and management of amenorrhea in adolescent and young ...

In this article, we will review the etiology and management of amenorrhea in adolescent and young adult women, beginning with the diagnostic ...

Amenorrhea | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Treatment of amenorrhea · Reducing stress in the adolescent's life. A healthcare provider may recommend stress-reducing tips or talking to a professional ...

Etiology and management of amenorrhea in adolescent and young ...

In conclusion, there is a wide and diverse range of causes of amenorrhea in adolescents that originate from any level of the HPO axis, as well as anatomic and ...

Amenorrhea: Practice Essentials, Pathophysiology, Etiology

Consideration of the target organs of these reproductive hormones (hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary, uterus) is helpful for identifying the ...

What is amenorrhea in teens? - Nicklaus Children's Hospital

What are the causes amenorrhea in teens? · pregnancy (a common cause of amenorrhea) · hormonal abnormalities (from a tumor in the brain called ...

Adolescent amenorrhea - Children's Health

What are the causes of adolescent amenorrhea? · Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – this hormonal condition causes enlarged ovaries and cysts. · Pregnancy – ...

Amenorrhea in Teens - Nationwide Children's Hospital

What causes amenorrhea in a teen? · Ovulation problems. This can cause irregular or missed menstrual periods. · Thyroid disorder. In many cases, a thyroid gland ...

Amenorrhea in Teens - Health Encyclopedia

What causes amenorrhea in a teen? · Ovulation problems. This can cause irregular or missed menstrual periods. · Thyroid disorder. In many cases, a thyroid gland ...

Amenorrhea: A Systematic Approach to Diagnosis and Management

Serum patterns of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, and thyroid-stimulating hormone identify most endocrine causes ...

Amenorrhea | Boston Children's Hospital

Depending on what's causing your daughter's amenorrhea, she may have other symptoms, too, including excess hair growth, acne, headaches, and pain. What causes ...

Amenorrhea in Teens - Health Library

What causes amenorrhea in a teen? · Ovulation problems. This can cause irregular or missed menstrual periods. · Thyroid disorder. In many cases, a thyroid gland ...

Amenorrhea - Merck Manual Professional Edition

Etiology of Amenorrhea ... Gonadal dysgenesis and congenital reproductive tract anomalies cause primary amenorrhea. Secondary amenorrhea may be caused by acquired ...

Menstruation Disorders in Adolescents - Medscape Reference

Etiology · Primary amenorrhea · Abnormal uterine bleeding · Dysmenorrhea.