
The slowdown in US productivity growth

The U.S. productivity slowdown: an economy-wide and industry ...

In the years since 2005, labor productivity has grown at an average annual rate of just 1.3 percent, which is lower than the 2.1-percent long-term average rate ...

The slowdown in productivity growth and policies that can restore it

Since 2004 output per hour worked has grown at a pace of just 1.4 percent—which is half its pace in the three decades after World War II. This slowdown in ...

The Mysterious Slowdown in U.S. Manufacturing Productivity

The change in the growth rate is stark. As the table below shows, labor productivity grew at an average of 3.4 percent per year from 1987 to ...

America Must Rediscover Its Dynamism

The US economy has a multitrillion-dollar problem. It's the dramatic slowdown in productivity growth over the past couple of decades.

Does the United States have a productivity slowdown or a ...

After 2004, measured growth in labor productivity and total-factor productivity (TFP) slowed. We find little evidence that the slowdown arises from growing ...

The slowdown in US labour productivity growth

The slowdown in US labour productivity growth – stylised facts and economic implications. The long-term growth prospects of the US economy are important from a ...

Bottlenecks: Sectoral Imbalances and the US Productivity Slowdown

Despite the rapid pace of innovation in information and communications technologies (ICT) and electronics, aggregate US productivity growth ...

Turning around the productivity slowdown - McKinsey & Company

The lack of productivity growth in the US economy is a longer-term trend that pre-dates the pandemic. The widespread adoption of information ...

Sustained Economic Growth Hinges on Productivity Gains as ...

Slower gains in total factor productivity account for more than half the deceleration in economic growth since the global financial crisis, IMF ...

Why Is Productivity Slowing Down? - American Economic Association

Comparing the post-2005 period with the preceding decade for five advanced economies, we seek to explain a slowdown of 0.8 to 1.8 pp. No single explanation ...

What's Been Driving the US Productivity Surge? - AEI

Keep in mind that productivity growth from 2005 to 2019 averaged 1.5 percent, lower than the post-war average of 2.2 percent. This slowdown ...

The Productivity Slowdown in Advanced Economies

productivity slowdown in large European countries and the United States. Slower total factor productivity growth was the proximate cause of ...

The slowdown in productivity growth and policies that can restore it

This slowdown in productivity growth is not unique to the United States: all of the major advanced economies have experienced similar ...

The Baby Boom and the U.S. Productivity Slowdown

The US economy is currently experiencing a prolonged productivity slowdown, comparable to another slowdown during in the 1970s.

Rekindling US productivity growth for a new era | McKinsey

Regaining historical rates of productivity growth would add $10 trillion to US GDP—a boost needed to confront workforce shortages, debt, ...

Challenges to Mismeasurement Explanations for the US Productivity ...

The United States has been experiencing a slowdown in measured labor productivity growth since 2004. A number of commentators and researchers have suggested ...

The Productivity Slowdown in Advanced Economies: Common ...

First, the U.S. and UK both saw faster growth in labor productivity in the 1995-2007 period than in the 1980-95 period, even as continental Europe. (Germany, ...

In Brief: The Recent Rise in US Labor Productivity

In the four quarters of 2023, however, productivity growth has experienced a renewed surge, averaging 2.7 percent—equal or similar to those ...

Multifactor productivity slowdown in U.S. manufacturing

From 2004 through 2016, however, manufacturing multifactor productivity declined by an average of 0.3 percent per year.

Re-evaluating the sources of the recent productivity slowdown - CEPR

By definition, a slowdown is a period of slower growth by comparison to a previous period of faster growth. So, one hypothesis is simply that ...