
Towards environmentally sustainable agriculture in Brazil ...

Towards environmentally sustainable agriculture in Brazil ...

We analyse recent advances in applied ecological research on the consequences of agricultural expansion for biodiversity in Brazil, identify knowledge gaps,

Towards environmentally sustainable agriculture in Brazil ...

1. Brazil is one of the world's major producers of food and biofuels. Agricultural expansion has driven rapid economic development but has also ...

sustainable-agriculture-brazil.pdf - The Nature Conservancy

In an effort to find solutions for the major environmental challenges facing humanity, the Conservancy has established a platform of global priorities that ...

Towards environmentally sustainable agriculture in Brazil

Request PDF | Towards environmentally sustainable agriculture in Brazil: Challenges and opportunities for applied ecological research | 1. Brazil is one of ...

Brazilian Agricultural Mitigation and Adaptation Policies

Brazil's agricultural sector has public policies that seek to promote mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Can Brazil make its farm sector more sustainable? - Farm Progress

As for cropland, Brazil instituted a program to convert degraded pastures into sustainable agriculture and forest systems by converting nearly ...

Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Brazil: A Path to Soil Carbon ...

Brazil, a global leader in agriculture, faces significant challenges in balancing agricultural productivity with environmental ...

How Brazilian agriculture is offering sustainable solutions

For example, we do no-till planting, and the growing of two crops in the same area and year. Helping soil to recover, increasing its organic ...

Sustainable Agriculture Programs in Brazil- Past Present and Future

Given the importance of agriculture, Brazil has adopted and implemented regulations to make these activities more sustainable, with the main ...

Futureco Bioscience' vision for sustainable agriculture in Brazil

Brazil is a magnet for overseas biological agro-input companies primarily due to its advanced agricultural technology and strong commitment to sustainability.

Approaches to sustainability in Brazilian agriculture - BVRIO

PlanaFlor demonstrates that environmental conservation and economic growth are not in conflict but can drive each other, positioning it as a sustainable ...

Brazil spotlight on agriculture, biodiversity, and ecosystem services

Despite its more environmentally-friendly practices, the family farming sector faces challenges such as limited access to credit and technical ...


Brazil has a wide range of public policies to promote environmental conservation and foster sustainable agricultural production. This framework of governmental ...

Brazil 2050: A vision for global food security - Atlantic Council

But to help create a more resilient and sustainable food system for the future, Brazil must strategically prepare its domestic capabilities to ...

Charting new 'sustainable agricultural pathways' in Brazil | CoSAI

Despite contributing greatly to global food security, Brazil still faces enormous challenges – its agriculture systems are now required to focus ...

Contributions to Sustainability in the Brazilian Agricultural Plan 2023 ...

This technical note discusses these proposals and their relevance for the continuous improvement of rural credit and insurance.

Seeding Success: Sustainable Agriculture in Brazil - BORGEN

The journey towards sustainable agriculture in Brazil paints a powerful picture of how agricultural innovation and sustainability can drive economic growth.

In Brazil, urban agriculture offers path to sustainable food systems

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is supporting Brazil with the establishment of green spaces and farms in and around cities.

Sustainable agriculture, green technologies and IP in Brazil - IAM

Additionally, since the 2000's, Brazil has led world agricultural productivity among 187 countries, according to a study by the Economic ...

Seed of the Future: Brazil's Agriculture Fostering Climate Transition

However, it is also responsible for large greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and contributes to the challenge of deforestation. Seeking sustainable ...