
Transfrontier Conservation Areas

Transfrontier Conservation Areas - SADC

A Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) is defined in the SADC Protocol on Wildlife Conservation and Law Enforcement (1999) as a component of a large ...


Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) are founded on the realization that natural resources that straddle international boundaries are a shared asset with ...

Transfrontier Conservation Areas - DFFE

A transfrontier park is an area comprising two areas, which border each other across international boundaries and whose primary focus is wildlife conservation.

Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) - SANParks

SANParks is responsible for the implementation of the following transfrontier parks and transfrontier conservation areas.

Transboundary protected area - Wikipedia

Such areas are also known as transfrontier conservation areas (TFCAs) or peace parks. ... transfrontier conservation areas (TFCAs). A 2001 study by ...

Transfrontier Conservation Areas - SADC

The configuration of SADC. TFCAs varies from those that are Transfrontier Parks (TP) and include two or more adjacent and protected areas (e.g. Kgalagadi.

What is the world's largest conservation area? - World Wildlife Fund

The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA) is the world's largest land-based transboundary conservation area.

IUCN SADC Transfrontier Conservation Area Financing Facility Fact ...

The SADC TFCA Financing Facility (TFCA FF) is a regional fund established to provide sustainable funding for conservation and management actions in ...

Transfrontier Conservation Areas - NACSO

Known as the Three Nations Namib Desert Transfrontier Conservation Area (TNND TFCA), this would include the /Ai-/Ais-Richtersveld TFCA to the south, the ...

What is a Transfrontier Park?

A transfrontier conservation area (TFCA), also known as a peace park, refers to a cross-border region whose different component areas have ...


Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA). An area that straddles the boundaries of two or more countries where the.

Transfrontier Conservation Areas

The ZIMOZA TFCA is a transboundary initiative for managing shared natural resources through community based resource management, infrastructural development ...

Transfrontier Conservation Areas - Biodiversity Investment Portal

TRANSFRONTIER CONSERVATION AREAS. A Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) refers to a cross-border region whose different component areas have different forms ...

The Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA)

The Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA) was formally proclaimed as a TFCA in 2002 and covers over 100000km2 of land including national.


SADC TFCA's ; /Ai/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Conservation Area · NamibiaSouth Africa · 5920km2 ; Chimanimani Transfrontier Conservation Area · Mozambique ...

Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area - Wikipedia

Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area ... Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) is the second-largest nature and landscape ...

The role of transfrontier conservation areas and their institutional ...

ABSTRACT. Contests over scarce and shared natural resources continue to headline conflicts across the world's geographic regions. The ...

20 years of SADC Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCA ... - GIZ

Other important regional instruments guiding the implementation of. Trans-frontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) processes include the. Protocols on Wildlife ...

Lubombo - Peace Parks Foundation

Lubombo includes four distinct transfrontier conservation areas between Mozambique, South Africa and The Kingdom of eSwatini, covering a total area of 10 ...

African Transfrontier Conservation Areas: Real benefits? - Rural 21

Africa Transfrontier. Conservation Areas –. TFCAs – are still a relatively new phenomenon. They are not considered merely as good vehicles for biodiversity.