
Translational Implications of Tumor Heterogeneity

Translational implications of tumor heterogeneity - PubMed

Advances in next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics have led to an unprecedented view of the cancer genome and its evolution.

Translational Implications of Tumor Heterogeneity - PMC

The potential impact of intratumor heterogeneity on treatment response and resistance, cancer progression and the risk of disease relapse.

Translational implications of tumor heterogeneity - New York

Advances in next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics have led to an unprecedented view of the cancer genome and its evolution.

Clinical and translational relevance of intratumor heterogeneity

Therefore, experimental models of heterogeneous tumors are needed for studying the impact of ITH on tumor progression and for developing more effective ...

Clinical and translational relevance of intratumor heterogeneity

Intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) is a driver of tumor evolution and a main cause of therapeutic resistance.

Translational implications of tumor heterogeneity - Primo - Ex Libris

Advances in next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics have led to an unprecedented view of the cancer genome and its evolution.

Clinical implications of intratumor heterogeneity: challenges and ...

Tumor heterogeneity is associated with poor prognosis and outcome [3,4,5,6]. It is thought that intratumor heterogeneity is one of the leading ...

Translational Implications of Tumor Heterogeneity - Semantic Scholar

Studies that use longitudinal tissue sampling, integrating both genomic and clinical data, have the potential to reveal the subclonal composition and track ...

A narrative review of tumor heterogeneity and challenges to tumor ...

Background: Tumor heterogeneity is one of the most essential characteristics of malignant tumors. In tumor recurrence, development, and ...

Intra-tumor heterogeneity of cancer cells and its implications for ...

These cell-to-cell variations in genetic signature, gene expression, and post-translational modifications are recognized in almost every type of ...

Translational Implications of Tumor Heterogeneity | Request PDF

Transcriptomic intratumor heterogeneity (RNA-ITH) in lung cancer has been reported to impede the clinical application of gene signatures 33,35,36 . ... ...

Cancer heterogeneity: implications for targeted therapeutics - Nature

Intra-tumour heterogeneity is likely to have implications for cancer therapeutics and biomarker discovery, particularly in the era of targeted treatment.

Not only tumor but also therapy heterogeneity - Annals of Oncology

65. Jamal-Hanjani, M. ∙ Quezada, S.A. ∙ Larkin, J. ... Translational implications of tumor heterogeneity. Clin Cancer Res. 2015; 21:1258-1266. Crossref.

Clinical and Biological Implications of Tumor Heterogeneity (2023)

New single-cell and spatial profiling platforms and longitudinal measurements of primary tumors, recurrences, and metastases are revealing tumor heterogeneity ...

Increased heterogeneity in expression of genes associated with ...

Heterogeneity in gene expression can thus generate intra-tumor heterogeneity, and can have important implications for cancer progression. Indeed, phenotypic ...

Overview on Clinical Relevance of Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity

In particular, intra-tumor heterogeneity (ITH) is closely related to cancer progression, resistance to therapy, and recurrences. It is interconnected with ...

Intra-tumor heterogeneity from a cancer stem cell perspective

... heterogeneity and the potential implications ... A decade of exploring the cancer epigenome - biological and translational implications.

Tumor Heterogeneity: A Great Barrier in the Age of Cancer ... - MDPI

Throughout the history of oncology research, tumor heterogeneity has been a major hurdle for the successful treatment of cancer.

Intra-tumor heterogeneity: lessons from microbial evolution and ...

Multiple subclonal populations of tumor cells can coexist within the same tumor. This intra-tumor heterogeneity will have clinical implications ...

The Clinical Implications of Tumor Heterogeneity in Ovarian Cancer

Cancer cells within a tumor, rather than being identical, differ greatly from each other in their morphology, gene expression patterns, metabolism, rates of ...