
Triggered. Why small events cause big emotional results.

Triggered. Why small events cause big emotional results. - LinkedIn

Triggering is often caused when something that is going on in the present reminds us, in some way, of something difficult or unpleasant that ...

Little Event, BIG Response! What just happened? - See Beyond

It was a simple request—Susan asked me for the recording link of one of my training sessions—but it elicited a BIG emotional response ...

Emotional Triggers: What They Are and 9 Tips Deal With Them

A triggering event can be anything from a stressful encounter with a co-worker to a fight with your partner. Sometimes, it can even be something as small as a ...

Why do some people get easily affected (upset) by little things? How ...

When people are at the edge of their well-being, a small thing can cause a big problem to them. Even you think it's the small thing, for the ...

Why Seemingly Trivial Events Sometimes Evoke Strong Emotional ...

People sometimes display strong emotional reactions to events that appear disproportionate to the tangible magnitude of the event.

When depressed, why do the smallest of things sometimes just send ...

The littlest things can trigger something so large and it's hard to explain why. It's just when we feel sad or numb, our body wants us to feel ...

Emotionally Stuck at the Age of Trauma: Signs, Causes, and Healing

Traumatic events can overwhelm your body and mind, leaving a lasting mark on your mood, relationship, and sense of self long after the trauma ...

Emotional Dysregulation: What It Is, Causes & Symptoms

Becoming easily frustrated by small inconveniences or annoyances. Mood swings. Impulsive behavior. Mania or hypomania. Trouble with emotions ...

Emotional Triggers Can Wreck Your Relationship | by Sherry Dale

Triggers are a symptom of emotional trauma. When we think of “emotional trauma,” what usually comes to mind is “Big-T Trauma” that can result in ...

How Significant Emotional Events Shake Your World

You know when you've experienced an event like this because it shakes you to the core. It disrupts your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing ...

How to Identify and Manage Your Emotional Triggers - Healthline

An emotional trigger is anything — including memories, experiences, or events — that sparks an intense emotional reaction, regardless of your ...

What Are Triggers, and How Do They Form? - Psych Central

In psychology, a “trigger” is a stimulus that causes a painful memory to resurface. A trigger can be any sensory reminder of the traumatic event ...

What Does It Mean to Be Triggered? - Verywell Mind

Triggers refer to the experience of having an emotional reaction to a disturbing topic (such as violence or the mention of suicide) in the ...

MANAGING YOUR TRIGGERS TOOLKIT: What it is What it can do ...

These are the external events that cause you to have instan- taneous, strong emotional reactions seemingly out of proportion to the triggering event. VERY ...

Crash landing: Coping with post-event blues | News - UW Health

“You have this mobilization of inner energies to take action on something big, and afterward you think you'll be exhilarated because you ...

Emotional Dysregulation: What It Is and How You Can Cope - WebMD

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition caused by experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening traumatic event. It's ...

Why We Justify Big Events With Big Causes - Cognition Today

... large events are caused by large actions, and small effects have small causes. ... emotional intensity of thoughts, making it easier to ...

Trauma and Violence - What is Trauma and the Effects? | SAMHSA

Why Small Conversations Make a Big Impression · Answering Your Child's ... emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.

Science of Emotion: The Basics of Emotional Psychology | UWA

The theory hypothesizes that when we experience an event that causes physiological arousal, we try to find a reason for the arousal. Then, we ...

Sentinel Emotional Events: The Nature, Triggers, and Effects of ...

In this hermeneutic phenomenology study, the authors recruited 12 (self-nominated) residents from an internal medicine residency at a large teaching hospital in ...

The War of the Worlds

Novel by H. G. Wells

The War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells. It was written between 1895 and 1897, and serialised in Pearson's Magazine in the UK and Cosmopolitan magazine in the US in 1897.