
Tropical rainforest

Tropical rainforest | Definition, Characteristics, Location, Climate ...

A tropical rainforest is a luxuriant forest found in wet tropical uplands and lowlands near the Equator. Tropical rainforests are dominated ...

Tropical rainforest - Wikipedia

Tropical rainforests are a type of tropical moist broadleaf forest, that includes the more extensive seasonal tropical forests. ... True rainforests usually occur ...

Rainforest: Mission: Biomes

The tropical rainforest is a hot, moist biome where it rains all year long. It is known for its dense canopies of vegetation that form three different layers.

Tropical Rainforest | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants

A tropical rainforest gets more than 60 inches (1.5 meters) of rain per year, although some regularly get more than 200 inches (5 meters)!

Rainforest - National Geographic Education

Tropical rainforests are found in Central and South America, western and central Africa, western India, Southeast Asia, the island of New Guinea ...

Tropical rainforests | WWF -

They are home to ancient, towering trees and a huge variety of plants, birds, insects and fascinating mammals. A staggering 80% of the world's documented ...

Tropical rainforest biomes (article) - Khan Academy

The tropical rainforest biome has four main characteristics: very high annual rainfall, high average temperatures, nutrient-poor soil, and high levels of ...

Rainforest Biome - Blue Planet Biomes

The tropical rain forest is a forest of tall trees in a region of year-round warmth. An average of 50 to 260 inches (125 to 660 cm.) of rain falls yearly.

Learn about rainforests

Tropical rainforests are found across the world between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer, 22.5° North and 22.5° South of the Equator.

The Rainforest: tropical forest facts, photos, and information

Rainforests are forest ecosystems characterized by high levels of rainfall, an enclosed canopy and high species diversity.

What is a Tropical Rainforest? - Amazon Aid

WHAT IS A TROPICAL RAINFOREST? A Tropical Rainforest is a hot, humid, and flourishing dense forest, usually found around the equator. Tropical rainforests ...

Tropical Forests in Our Daily Lives | Rainforest Alliance

we all rely on tropical forests in our daily lives—and in ways that might surprise you! That's why the Rainforest Alliance has made it our ...

Tropical Rainforest | Biomes of the World - PHP @ Radford

The tropical rainforest is earth's most complex biome in terms of both structure and species diversity. It occurs under optimal growing conditions.

Tropical rainforest - Biodiversity, Climate, Ecosystem | Britannica

Tropical rainforest biota reflect the long-term geologic histories of these ancient ecosystems. This is most clearly demonstrated in the Malesian ...

Tropical Rainforest Biome - Let's Talk Science

Tropical rainforests are found in the equatorial zone in Central America, South America, Africa, Asia and Australia (see map above).

Tropical Rain Forest | Biosphere 2

The Biosphere 2 rainforest, because it is enclosed in a glass and metal structure, represents the hottest tropical rain forest canopy on Earth. Air temperatures ...

Tropical Rainforest - Earth Floor: Biomes

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Tropical rainforest climate - Wikipedia

There are some other areas at higher latitudes, such as the coast of southeast Florida, United States, and Okinawa, Japan that fall into the tropical rainforest ...

Types of rainforest

These forests are on average much cooler than tropical rainforests, and may even see snow in the winter months. Perudryforestow. Dry forest. Dry forests are ...

5.4.3: Tropical Rainforest - Biology LibreTexts

Tropical rainforests are the most diverse terrestrial biome. This biodiversity is still largely unknown to science and is under extraordinary threat.