
Ultraviolet radiation index

UV Index Overview | US EPA

The UV Index predicts the ultraviolet radiation levels on a 1-11+ scale, helping people determine appropriate sun-protective behaviors. Several fact sheets ...

Radiation: The ultraviolet (UV) index

What is the UV index? a measure of the level of UV radiation; the values of the index range from zero upward - the higher the UVI, ...

The UV Index | US EPA

The Ultraviolet (UV) Index predicts the UV radiation levels on a 1 – 11+ scale. The UV Index provides a daily forecast of the expected intensity of UV ...

Find Your Local UV Index - Coppertone

The UV Index is issued daily to advise you on the strength of the sun's UV rays in your region. The higher the number, the stronger the rays.

Ultraviolet index - Wikipedia

The ultraviolet index, or UV index, is an international standard measurement of the strength of the sunburn-producing ultraviolet (UV) radiation at a ...

The UV Index Explained - WebMD

The ultraviolet (UV) index is a number on a scale from 1-11+ that tells you how intense the UV rays from the sun are predicted to be at a particular time and ...

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation - AIM at Melanoma Foundation

The UV Index Scale · UV Index 0-2 means minimal danger from the sun's UV rays for the average person. · UV Index 3-5 means low risk of harm from unprotected sun ...

Ultraviolet radiation index - ARPANSA

Use this chart to see how the UV index varies throughout the day at our monitoring sites.

Ultraviolet (UV) Index Forecasts - National Weather Service

The UV index is a measure to help you determine the effects of the sun on outdoor activities. It is computed using forecast ozone levels, cloudiness, and ...

UV Index - Cancer Council

The UV Index is a tool you can use to protect yourself from UV radiation. It tells you the times during the day that you need to be SunSmart.

UV Index and Sun Safety - Melanoma Research Alliance

UV Index ranges from 1 to 11+. The higher the number, the more UV radiation you will be exposed to. When the UV Index is close to 11+, you should be extra ...

UV (100-400 nm) - ICNIRP

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the band of non-ionizing radiation that lies next to ionizing radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. UV radiation is ...

The UV index and sunburn risk | Cancer Research UK

The UV index tells us how strong the sun's UV rays are. The higher the UV index number, the less time it takes for your skin to become damaged by the sun.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation - SunSmart

The World Health Organization's Global Solar UV Index measures UV levels on a scale from 0 (Low) to 11+ (Extreme). The UV level is affected by several factors ...

In brief: How much sun is too much? - - NCBI

The UV Index (UVI) is a measure of the current intensity of UVB radiation in a certain location. The higher the current UV Index reading, the ...

Today's UV Index - Project Sunscreen

UV Index Scale · 0 to 2: Low (green) · 3 to 5: Moderate (yellow) · 6 to 7: High (orange) · 8 to 10: Very High (red) · 11 or more: Extreme (purple).

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation: What It Is & Its Effect on Your Skin

You might see ratings from the UV index on weather reports. The numbers represent the risk of unprotected sun exposure to the average person. You may think that ...

Protect Yourself, Family and Pets from Excessive Ultraviolet (UV ...

UV Safety: Stay Safe in the Sun · Do Not Burn or Tan: Avoid intentional tanning. · Seek Shade: Get under cover when the sun's rays are the strongest between 10 am ...

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation - FDA

The Ultraviolet Index (UVI) is a rating scale, with numbers from 1 to 11, which indicate the amount of skin-damaging UV rays reaching the ...

Ultraviolet radiation - World Health Organization (WHO)

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation covers the wavelength range of 100–400 nm, which is a higher frequency and lower wavelength than visible light.


Ultraviolet light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths of 10–400 nanometers, shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays.

Ultraviolet index

The ultraviolet index, or UV index, is an international standard measurement of the strength of the sunburn-producing ultraviolet radiation at a particular place and time. It is primarily used in daily and hourly forecasts aimed at the general public.


In physics, radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or a material medium. This includes:


Medical imaging

An X-ray is a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than those of ultraviolet rays and longer than those of gamma rays.

Electromagnetic radiation

Field of study

In physics, electromagnetic radiation consists of waves of the electromagnetic field, which propagate through space and carry momentum and electromagnetic radiant energy.

Ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation, including nuclear radiation, consists of subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves that have sufficient energy to ionize atoms or molecules by detaching electrons from them.