
Underpowering Subs

Underpowering a sub? | Car Stereo Forum

Subs that handle more power tend to be less efficient, meaning they don't go as loud on X watts as another sub that is more efficient.

Is it okay for sub drivers to be “underpowered”? : r/CarAV - Reddit

The "underpowering will blow speakers" myth is objectively false, but it gets parroted constantly due to a lack of understanding.

Pros and Cons to under powering subs, and other design info

Running subs under rated power isn't going to hurt anything except possible loss of volume. Typically higher power subs have stiffer suspensions ...

Is underpowering a subwoofer by 100w dangerous for it ... - Quora

In general, underpowering any speaker including a subwoofer is more likely to lead to damage than overpowering it.

Understanding The 'Underpowering A Subwoofer' Myth!!! Fact not ...

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is underpowering subs bad? - 2GN.ORG

underpowering a speaker wont do any damage UNLESS you turn your gain up to high & clip the amp to were you are sending the sub a "dirty" signal.

Does Underpowering Your Sub Damage It? - YouTube

Does Underpowering Your Sub Damage It? Donate To My Youtube Channel! Facebook ...

Does underpowering a sub hurt it? -

Does underpowering a sub hurt it? ... lets say a 600 watt rms sub with 150 watts rms over a period of time does it hurt? ... no it doesn't hurt it ...

Under Powering a Sub - TechTalk Parts Express

As long as that power output doesn't make the woofer breach mechanical or thermal limits it'll be fine. The common belief (or misinterpretation) ...

What happens if u underpower a sub(s)?

Underpowering your speakers will NOT damage them. Only misusing the volume and gain controls will leave a potential for damage. The only thing you may notice is ...

What happens when a Subwoofer is under-powered?

It depends on the need of the sub that u buy if u truely underpower a new sub it will heat it up and the coil will melt and it wont be purdy.

Why subwoofers blow: slam, bang, pop, and sizzle - Crutchfield

Underpowering your subwoofer — Pop and Sizzle ... Underpowering a subwoofer isn't inherently bad for the sub. Not giving it enough power just means that the music ...

Under Powering Subwoofers - YouTube

Help support the channel by shopping at Save money on all your audio equipment at G2 Dynamics ...

Underpowering, Overpowering, and Clipping Subwoofers

It is okay to "under power" your subwoofer. Don't try to drive more power out of your amplifier. You'll clip the signal and wreak havoc on the ...

Myth Or Fact: Under Powering a Subwoofer?

The fact is under powering a sub without clipping it will never in anyway, shape, or form damage the sub.

Is it Possible to Underpower a Speaker? - Extreme Audio

Only two things will damage a speaker: too much power and too much excursion. Too much power will cause the adhesives that bond the voice coil winding to the ...

last year: on underpowering subs

I bet you could drive the sub into over excursion without clipping the amp. Note that the XTi series amplifiers have the dbx "sub-harmonic synthesizer" as a ...

Is it bad to really (like alot) underpower subwoofers ? - Car Audio

I have 2 12 rf punch p3 and previosly had a 150 rms 10 inch sub with a 2 channel rf prime 150 watt max amp. So I used that to give each sub 75 watts at 2 ...

Why Does My Subwoofer Sound Weak? (7 Common Causes)

The Subwoofer Is Underpowered ... Under-powering your sub with an inadequate amp won't hurt it, but it'll definitely make it sound weak. Make sure ...

Will Underpowering Speakers Cause Damage? - Sound Forums

Our sound man regularly mentions that passive speakers can be damaged from being underpowered by an amplifier WHEN the underpowered amp reaches the clipping ...