
Understanding comas and consciousness

Overview of Coma and Impaired Consciousness - Merck Manuals

Coma is unresponsiveness from which the patient cannot be aroused and in which the patient's eyes remain closed. Impaired consciousness refers to similar, less ...

Coma - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

Coma reflects brain failure that may occur from a process originating in the central nervous system or may reflect a systemic metabolic ...

Measuring consciousness in coma and related states - PMC

Based on this, subjects in pathological and pharmacological coma (i.e., anesthesia) are not conscious because they cannot be awakened, even after noxious ...

Some coma patients may be conscious. New research could identify ...

Some brain injury patients may appear to be in a coma, but they are not. They are processing at least some of what is happening around them but cannot ...

Coma and reduced awareness states | Headway

Coma can be defined as a state of depressed consciousness where a person is unresponsive to the outside world.

Coma - Better Health Channel

Coma is a state of consciousness that is similar to deep sleep, except no amount of external stimuli (such as sounds or sensations) can prompt the brain to ...

Coma (Persistent Vegetative State) - Cleveland Clinic

A coma is a disruption in brain activity. It prevents consciousness, meaning you're unconscious, unaware of the world around you and impossible to wake.

Coma - Illnesses & conditions - NHS inform

A coma usually only lasts a few weeks, during which time the person may start to gradually wake up and gain consciousness, or progress into a ...

Some People Who Appear to Be in a Coma May Actually Be ...

Views about coma and consciousness have changed in the medical profession over time. In the 1960s neurologists and neurosurgeons noted that some ...

Coma - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

Coma is a state of prolonged loss of consciousness. It can have a variety of causes, including traumatic head injury, stroke, brain tumor, or drug or alcohol ...

Coma: Types, Causes, Treatments, Prognosis - WebMD

A coma is a prolonged state of unconsciousness. During a coma, a person is unresponsive to their environment. The person is alive and looks ...

Some coma patients may be conscious. New research could identify ...

This break between understanding and responding is called cognitive motor dissociation (CMD), a disorder of consciousness following brain injury ...

Of mind and matter: Understanding consciousness

There are a range of disorders of consciousness, with different levels of brain function, Schiff explained. Comas, for example, are short-term ...

Source of Hidden Consciousness in 'Comatose' Brain Injury Patients ...

Hidden consciousness, also known as cognitive motor dissociation (CMD), occurs in about 15% to 25% of patients with brain injuries stemming from ...

Comatose yet conscious: 'Living nightmare' state may be ... - Science

Brain activity study suggests as many as one in four people in comas have some awareness of their surroundings.

What Does A Coma Feel Like? | Traditions Health

A coma is similar to a dream-like state because the individual is alive but not conscious. A coma occurs when there is little-to-no brain activity.

Coma: Causes, diagnosis, treatment, and outlook

It is similar to a deep sleep, but the person cannot wake up or respond in the usual way to their environment. Their levels of consciousness and responsiveness ...

One-quarter of unresponsive people with brain injuries are conscious

More people than we thought who are in comas or similar states can hear what is happening around them, a study shows.

Vegetative vs. Minimally Conscious States After TBI | MKSTC - MSKTC

As people recover from severe brain injury, they usually go through several phases of recovery. Recovery through these phases can slow or stop. Coma; Vegetative ...

People in Comas May Be Conscious and Thinking - Everyday Health

Researchers have observed that some people in comas can respond mentally to what they hear, raising big questions about end-of-life ...