
Understanding the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Cancer

Reactive oxygen species in cancer: Current findings and future ...

In this review, we summarize molecular mechanisms and oncogenic functions that modulate ROS levels and are useful for the development of cancer therapeutic ...

Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Cancer Progression

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a pivotal role in biological processes and continuous ROS production in normal cells is controlled by the appropriate ...

ROS in cancer therapy: the bright side of the moon - Nature

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) constitute a group of highly reactive molecules that have evolved as regulators of important signaling ...

Reactive oxygen species in cancer progression and its role in ...

ROS is well known to initiate and assist in progression of tumor by promoting proliferation and survival of cancer cells and thus facilitates pro-tumorigenic ...

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cancer pathogenesis and therapy

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play critical roles both in pathogenesis of chronic human diseases including cancer and also in the underlying mechanisms of ...

The pleiotropic functions of reactive oxygen species in cancer - Nature

There is little debate that ROS have indelible impacts on the key hallmarks of cancer. Focus has gradually shifted toward understanding the ...

Understanding the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Cancer

In this private feed episode of The Metabolic Link, Dr. Janine DeBlasi explores the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Cancer.

The role of cellular reactive oxygen species in cancer chemotherapy

... ROS levels for understanding complex tumor biology during chemotherapy. This review outlines the current understanding of the role of ROS in ...

Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Cancer Progression

It is suggested that ROSs are involved in various cancer-related process including apoptosis, angiogenesis, metastasis, and inflammation.

Roles of reactive oxygen species in inflammation and cancer - Yu

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) constitute a spectrum of oxygenic metabolites crucial in modulating pathological organism functions.

Implications of reactive oxygen species on cancer formation and its ...

In this review, we provide an overview of the role of ROS in the regulation of tumor growth, disease progression, and treatment resistance.

The role of reactive oxygen species in tumor treatment

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are by-products of aerobic metabolism and can also act as signaling molecules to participate in multiple regulation of ...

The Two Faces of Reactive Oxygen Species in Cancer

Reactive oxygen species (ROS), now appreciated for their cellular signaling capabilities, have a dual role in cancer. On the one hand, ...

The role of reactive oxygen species in gastric cancer

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are highly reactive molecules capable of oxidation and are closely linked to tumor progression by promoting both tumor initiation ...

Reactive oxygen species in cancer cells: Live by the sword, die by ...

Reactive oxygen species and tumor biology are intertwined in a complex web, making it difficult to understand which came first, whether oxidants are ...

Reactive oxygen species in cancer - Taylor & Francis Online

Elevated rates of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been detected in almost all cancers, where they promote many aspects of tumour development and progression.

Understanding of ROS‐Inducing Strategy in Anticancer Therapy

Redox homeostasis is essential for the maintenance of diverse cellular processes. Cancer cells have higher levels of reactive oxygen species ...

Reactive oxygen species: a volatile driver of field cancerization and ...

ROS plays a contradictory role in cancer biology. Elevated ROS levels contribute to tumorigenesis, cancer progression and spreading via the ...

Role of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Therapeutics and Drug ...

Redox balance and oxidative stress are orchestrated by antioxidant enzymes, reduced thiols and NADP(H) cofactors, which is critical for cancer ...

Reactive Oxygen Species: A Key Constituent in Cancer Survival

Studies have demonstrated that ROS play a crucial role in inhibitory activities of tumor-induced immunosuppressive cells. Therefore, ROS are not only mediators ...