
Userinfo returning 401 UnAuthorized

The /userinfo endpoint returns 401 (Unauthorized) - Auth0 Community

The 401 error happens when performing the following call: lock.getUserInfo(authResult.accessToken, (error, profile) => ...) while using Angular 2 together with ...

/userinfo API returns 401 Unauthorized - Auth0 Community

I'm trying to retrieve user's profile based on the Auth0 Access Token obtained during login. I use the endpoint GET /userinfo I successfully ...

Get UserInfo return 401 Unauthorized · Issue #16844 - GitHub

After service account authenticated via client_credential flow, I send a request with its access_token to userinfo_endpoint, but Keycloak server return 401 ...

Unauthorized error when hitting the userinfo endpoint - Stack Overflow

OKTA is returning 401 error. – zilcuanu. Commented Dec ... Spring Authorization Server | /userinfo endpoint returns 401 Unauthorized Error ...

401 on /userinfo - Questions - Okta Developer Community

Response; [status] => HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized [Date] => Thu, 17 ... *oktaHasAnyGroup and this._oktaStateService.hasAnyGroups return 401.

Userinfo returning 401 UnAuthorized - Google Groups

I am trying to call the userinfo endpoint in KeyCloak 21 using access token and receiving 401. Referred this

401 Unauthorized Response on Ignition IdP UserInfo endpoint call

I am trying to set up a UserInfo call in my IDP configuration to get extra info beyond the fields that Ignition grabs by default.

Spring Authorization Server | /userinfo endpoint returns 401 ...

I'm trying to use Spring Authorization Server for authorizing users, but I have a problem with /userinfo endpoint, it's always returning 401 Unauthorized Error.

401 unauthorized to userinfo endpoint - Ping Identity Support Portal

... userinfo endpoint idp/userinfo.openid but get a 401 unauthorized response. My logs say: INFO [org.sourceid.saml20.domain.mgmt.impl ...

Azure B2C Userinfo Endpoint 401 Error - Microsoft Q&A

When passing an ID token or access token to the Azure B2C userinfo endpoint, a 401 error is thrown. I followed the steps in the userinfo article and created a ...

UserInfo endpoint returning 401 error - Gluu Support

The error is caused by the token_type field returned by Gluu "/token" endpoint : this token_type is set to bearer , thus the following request ...

401 Unauthorized Error response - OAuth/OIDC

I was getting 401 unauthorized error while implementing the post call for the “oauth2/v1/token” end point in the react next js app but in ...

Userinfo endpoint test - Microsoft Q&A

If you use a different case, i,e "bearer", it return 401 Unauthorized, with message "The UserInfo request did not provide a token for ...

OpenID connect 401 Unauthorized - Community Forum

Ok, so it means that the API was able to retrieve an oauth2 token from your ADFS, but can't use it for getting the userinfo. Maybe a specific ...

Always receiving error 401 from web app using KeyCloak

I found a very similar topic on stackOverflow : https - Keycloak API always returns 401 - Stack Overflow but I am not sure that it corresponds ...

Solved: 401 Unauthorized - OAuth - Constant Contact Community

Replacing the username and access token with your own, of course. Let me know if that is successful or not. It should return a 200. If this isn' ...

Why do I get 401 Unauthorised error when calling Get user info API?

However, I ran into an issue at step 5: "Get customer info." The API returned a 401 Unauthorized status code, even though I used the access ...

Design and Implementation - API Management - TIBCO

UserInfo Endpoint returns 401 Unauthorized Error Response with details in WWW-Authenticate Header but error_header_name not specified in pre-input configuration ...

Invoking the UserInfo Endpoint for OpenID Connect - IBM

For an invalid access token, the UserInfo endpoint returns an HTTP 401 status code with an error message in the WWW-AUTHENTICATE header. HTTP/1.1 401 ...

Keycloak OpenID 401 Unauthorized - Security - OpenSearch Forum

... username: "kibanaserver" opensearch.password: "kibanaserver ... Similarly, browser is returning the 401 error: {"statusCode":401 ...