
Using Calendar Versioning

Calendar Versioning — CalVer

CalVer is a versioning convention based on your project's release calendar, instead of arbitrary numbers. Versioning gets better with time.

Move over, SemVer, it is time for calendar versioning! - Let's Debug It!

... Calendar Versioning. Instead of arbitrary ... Instead of arbitrary version numbers of SemVer standard, it suggests using release dates.

Sometimes I regret using CalVer - Jacob Tomlinson

Calendar Versioning or CalVer is where a project's versioning ... version a MAJOR semantic with a little date info thrown in. The last ...

How to update version in package.json using calendar versioning

Our intern project use calendar versioning for our angular typescript project managed with npm. For example the version 2024.02.19.0 is for the first version ...

Why Calendar Versioning Makes Sense in Today's Ever-Evolving ...

Calendar Versioning fits perfectly with the fast-paced, ever-changing world of modern software development. It's a natural and straightforward way to keep ...

Calendar versioning | Lobsters

For us, the crucial benefit of using calendar-based versions is this: It tells users when the application was last released. It gives them an ...

Using Calendar Versioning (CalVer) - Bump My Version

Calendar Versioning (CalVer) is a versioning scheme that uses a date-based version number. For this example, we will use the following format: YYYY.MM.DD.patch.

CalVer: Calendar Versioning - Hacker News

In practice, though, sometimes patch versions break things, or major version upgrades work fine without any changes. So the consumer still needs ...

Why we're switching to calendar versioning - CockroachDB

For patch releases, we'll use the third, "micro" number in the versioning scheme to indicate the patch number, omitting the micro number on the ...

PEP 2026: Calendar versioning for Python - Page 3

Pip uses two-digit year versions, I think people are used to seeing the year as a two-digit version number. Steve Dower: We'd still have to ...

Use calendar versioning for Python package - Stack Overflow

c;; json; python-3.x .net; ruby-on-rails; sql-server; swift; django; angular; objective-c; excel; pandas; angularjs; regex; typescript

Semantic vs calendar versioning? · Issue #1912 · nipreps/fmriprep

If the major changes are in the second number, then it means the user will need to focus on that number, instead of the first, as the number ...

Calendar Versioning - Cisco AppDynamics Documentation

This page describes the versioning format used for product releases. We use a calendar-based version format with a syntax of YY.M.X to reflect the date of ...

There and back again: A software versioning story - nexB

Ubuntu is a good example of using CalVer: version 12 was first released in 2012. The idea is that you have a first segment in the version number ...

Software versioning - Wikipedia

Within a given version number category (e.g., major or minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in ...

PEP 2026 – Calendar versioning for Python |

Calendar Versioning (CalVer) makes everything easier to translate into calendar time rather than counting versions and looking up when they will ...

Consider using Calendar Versioning (CalVer) - ONLYOFFICE forum

Consider using Calendar Versioning (CalVer) ... CalVer is a versioning convention based on your project's release calendar, instead of arbitrary ...

Application Versioning Strategies | by Alexander Kozhenkov - Medium

Calendar Versioning (CalVer) is used when you don't care about compatibility. For such cases, using SemVer leads to having the first digit 1 ...

Calendar Versioning — CalVer

There are multiple calendar versioning schemes, long used by projects big and small. Rather than declaring a single scheme to be CalVer, it's ...

Calendar Versioning Works - The Almost Engineer

My Choice: Calendar Versioning ... I decided to go with calendar versioning because it is easy to set up with scripts and does not require that you have to know ...