
Using MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE leading to inconsistent results ...

MySQL: LOAD DATA INFILE producing incorrect table results

I am trying to use LOAD DATA INFILE to load my data into tables. My table: Alcohol name varchar(45) Type varchar(45) ABV FLOAT Brewery INT(11) Average Price ...

Using MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE leading to inconsistent results ...

Using MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE leading to inconsistent results based on same query of execution ; '\"' - (as is now) "' . " ; '" '"' - (this of ...

load data infile handles empty field being in 1st line inconsistently

The 3rd mentioned test case produces error#1366 on 5.5.17, so it seems to be corrected since then. My main concern was that the ordering of the ...

MySQL: Correct LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax - Databases - SitePoint

I changed the table schema and load command some what with the same result (no errors). My guess is the line ending is incorrect… Schema ...

Loading data in mysql using LOAD DATA INFILE, replication safe?

What could help is setting sync-binlog=1 before running LOAD DATA INFILE. Notwithstanding, Replication of a large CSV file is at the mercy of ...

LOAD DATA INFILE loading incorrect field value for string with space

HI, I'm using Server version: 5.7.24-27 Percona Server (GPL), Release 27, Revision bd42700. I'm migrating data from MSSQL to MySQL by ...

MySQL 8.4 Reference Manual :: 15.2.9 LOAD DATA Statement

When LOCAL is used, the client program reads the file and sends its contents to the server. The server creates a copy of the file in the directory where it ...

How MySQL 5.7 Handles UTF8MB4 and the Load Data infile

Many of my clients have told me that they do not like using the LOAD DATA INFILE statement and prefer to manually parse and load the data. The ...

LOAD DATA INFILE - MariaDB Knowledge Base

The LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE statement can be disabled on the client. If you are using MariaDB Connector/C, this can be done by unsetting the CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES ...

Why is 'LOAD DATA INFILE' faster than normal INSERT statements?

Even if you setup a benchmark between LOAD DATA INFILE and extended INSERTs with a proper bulk_insert_buffer_size, the nanoseconds saved on ...

MySQL Bugs: #73654: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE's behavior ...

But LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE with REPLACE *doesn't ignore* data ... incorrect. How to repeat: $ echo -e "1\tone" > /tmp/test mysql56> SELECT ...

MySQL 1083 - Metis Data

This error occurs when the field terminators used in a LOAD DATA INFILE statement are incorrect. It indicates that the field terminators used do not match ...

[MYSQL] [Mac] The Import from Hell - 2 million plus rows - Reddit

Depends on how you're doing it, how wide the data is, and how well-optimized your storage (and table) is. Row by row inserts? That's gonna suck.

LOAD DATA - SingleStore Documentation

... with incorrect format or an incorrect LOAD DATA statement. Use MAX_ERRORS ... LOAD DATA INFILE supports globbing in filenames, but not in directory names.

php console diagnostics:run sometimes displays incorrect LOAD ...

csv file on disk and then attempt to load it into MySQL/MariaDB using LOAD DATA INFILE . One possibility here could be that the command line ...

6 Common CSV Import Errors and How to Fix Them - Flatfile

One of the most common CSV import errors is that the file is simply too large. That can be caused by too many fields or records in the file, too many columns, ...

41446: mysqlimport / Load Data File - partial columns import incorrect

Description: The reference manual says "12.2.6. LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax [...] If you want to load only some of a table's columns, specify a ...

[RESOLVED] Import date from csv into MySQLBulkloader wiith ...

The date column in the csv is in format 25-04-2021. Importing it in MySQL gives an error : incorrect date value '25-04-2021'. I understand the issue.

MySQL failed to start after killed a long running "LOAD DATA INFILE ...

Check your .err log. Forcibly terminated the process risks data but InnoDB will (usually) rebuild and you can repair table with MyISAM. Forcibly ...

Troubleshooting LOAD DATA INFILE - Databases - SitePoint Forums

Hi, I post this to the Database forum as I suspect that it has something to do with MySQL or the SQL written? I am using PDO as a driver and ...