
Using Subject Headings to Find Relevant Articles

Research Tips: Subject Searching - Library Guides

Start with a keyword search · Browse the results looking for relevant articles · Look at the subject headings for each article that are usually ...

Search Strategies: Subject Headings - NRS 420: Evidence-Based ...

To help you narrow your topic, you can use subject headings to get even more specific. Subject headings are fixed terms used to indicated an ...

Keywords vs. Subjects - Database Search Tips - LibGuides

Keyword searching is how you typically search web search engines and it is a good start to find relevant subject headings in databases.

Research Process: Use Subject Headings - Adler University Library

You can use subject headings to find articles on a particular topic within a database by using the database's thesaurus.

Subject Headings & Databases: An Introduction

having to search for all of these terms separately to find relevant articles, controlled vocabulary allows you to search just using one word, “neoplasms ...

Subject Headings & Thesaurus Searching - Research Guides

subject headings can be used to find related headings as well as broader or narrower headings, and may be assigned as preferred terms, like with ...

LibGuides: Database Search Tips: Keywords vs. subjects

Use these headings to find relevant items on the same topic. ... headings (a.k.a. descriptors) is the most precise way to search article ...

2.3 Subject Headings vs. Keywords - Systematic Review Tutorial

While most articles have subject headings assigned to them, it is still important to mix searching with subject headings with freely generated ...

Searching for information: What are subject headings? - UCL Library

Find appropriate subject headings by searching in the subject heading field, or browsing the thesaurus, for the database you are using. Not all ...

Database Searching: Subject Headings - LibGuides

Subject headings describe the content of each item in a database. Use these headings to find relevant items on the same topic. Searching by ...

Searching with Subject Terms: Home - LibGuides

Articles with similar themes, or about similar subjects, will be classified together under a very specific subject heading - instead of ...

Using Subject Headings –

If you're pulling up a lot of non-related articles with your keywords, use the subject headings to focus your search. Tip: Depending on the database, a list of ...

How can I use subject headings to improve my searching?

Determine the subject of an article or book · Search more efficiently for books and articles on topics · Discover other items on the same subject – the subject ...

Subject Heading Searching - Systematic Reviews & Other Syntheses

Some databases have the option to search using subject headings, also referred to as subject terms, controlled vocabulary, and indexed terms.

Searching with subject headings and keywords - McGill Library Guides

For thorough searches, you would generally include subject headings and their text word equivalents, plus any alternative terms (related terms, ...

Keyword vs Subject Searching - Introduction to Library ... - LibGuides

Most academic libraries use Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) for Subject Search of their online catalogs. A subject search is more ...

Research Process: Subject Headings

A subject heading is a specific word or phrase used to find and organize books and articles by topic.

Subject Headings - Search Strategies: How to Find Research Articles

Subject headings are your best friend! Once you've found an article that looks relevant, click on it. If you scroll down, you should find ...

What are subject headings? - Subject Heading Searches

Subject headings are terms assigned by databases to provide a consistent way of describing the subject matter of the resource. In many ways ...

Q. What are Article Database Subject Headings?

The list of subject headings will help you think of keywords and phrases to narrow your search. Business Source Complete search with Subject Terms (SU) ...