
Using console.dir

console: dir() static method - Web APIs | MDN

The console.dir() static method displays a list of the properties of the specified JavaScript object. In browser consoles, the output is ...

What's the difference between console.dir and console.log?

console.log(input) : The browser logs in a nicely formatted manner · console.dir(input) : The browser logs just the object with all its ...

Difference Between console.dir and console.log - GeeksforGeeks

The Console object provides access to the browser's debugging console, which can be seen using F12 or ctrl+shift+j. Console object contains many ...

Using console.dir() to print JavaScript objects in the console

Using console.dir() to print JavaScript objects in the console ... It usually happens when you need to quickly debug something. You want to check ...

Node.js console.dir() Method - GeeksforGeeks

< h3 >. Open console using F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I. < h3 >. < script >. var geek = {. course : "DSA",. price : "5000". }; console.dir(geek);.

console.dir() vs console.log() (Example) | Treehouse Community

I'm using VS Code and I don't see any difference in the console whenever I use console.dir() or console.log().

Console | Node.js v23.2.0 Documentation

console.dir(obj[, options]); console.dirxml(; console.error ... See the note on process I/O for more information. Example using the global console :

Cloudwatch - console.log vs console.dir (nodejs lambda)

Is the key information. It doesn't appear we include the same information for console.dir however but you can use the context object to extract ...

Using console.dir() over console.log() with deeply nested objects.

console.dir() seems rather redundant. At least with console.log(), you can add as many arguments as you want, but with console.dir(), ...

Use console.log() like a pro : r/programming - Reddit

... dir instead of log when dumping HTML nodes to the console. ... Not a big web developer but I remember reading something about not using console in ...

Tricks for Using the JavaScript Console | by Alexandra Ortiz - Medium

Like console.log() , console.dir() will print information to your console, but it will provide you with an extensive, JSON-like interactive ...

NodeJS - console.dir() Method - TutorialsPoint

The Node.js console.dir() method of node.js returns the properties of a particular object. This method is used to display an interactive list of the properties ...

Difference between console.dir and console.log in javascript?

dir() method output the list of object properties of a specified object in the console to the user. It recognizes the object just as an object ...

How To Use console in Node.js - DigitalOcean

How To Use console in Node.js · Prerequisites · Using console.log , , and console.debug · Using console.table · Using console.dir.

Console API reference | Chrome DevTools

console.dir(object). Log level: Info. Prints a JSON representation of the specified object.

console.log vs console.dir - VitaminDev

While console.log and console.dir can both output an object to the console, they serve a different purpose. Here is a table that highlights the differences.

console - Web APIs | MDN

Outputs a message to the console with the debug log level. console.dir() ... There are several categories of output you can generate using the ...

JavaScript Console Dir and DirXML Methods - Dot Net Tutorials

The console.dir() method is used to display a list of the properties of the specified JavaScript object. This method recognizes the object as an object and ...

JavaScript console methods: A deep dive. - DEV Community

The console.dir() method is used to display an interactive listing of the properties of a specified JavaScript object. It allows you to explore ...

console.dir() is short for console.log(util.inspect()) - Stefan Judis

This post is part of my Today I learned series in which I share all my web development learnings. Sometimes when debugging node scripts via ...