
Using tailwind 3/JIT within a component library causing build issues

Using tailwind 3/JIT within a component library causing build issues

// /consumer-app/tailwind.config.js module.exports = { mode: "jit", content: [ "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", "./node_modules/my-package/dist/**/ ...

Using tailwind 3/JIT within a component library causing build issues

Discussed in #8457 Originally posted by joecacti May 27, 2022 I'm running into issues with the way tailwind 3 builds.

Anyone using tailwind 3 in a ui library? : r/Frontend - Reddit

You'll need to add a tailwind config for the project where you are using the components. E.g using the same preset as the component library ...

Just-in-Time Mode - Tailwind CSS

Tailwind can take 3–8s to initially compile using our CLI, and upwards of 30–45s in webpack projects because webpack struggles with large CSS files. This ...

Tailwind CSS JIT Not Compiling Classes Inside @layer Directive

js project using Tailwind CSS with JIT mode enabled. I've encountered an issue where custom utility classes defined inside the @layer ...

The Limits of Tailwind CSS - DEV Community

More than just a CSS framework, Tailwind is a PostCSS plugin. This is because its biggest benefits are the generation of Just-in-Time (JIT) ...

Content Configuration - Tailwind CSS

If you're using a component library like React or Vue, this means you shouldn't use props to dynamically construct classes: Don't use props to build class ...

TailwindCSS JIT with arbitrary values - Hacker News

You build your component library with speed and can focus on the actually interesting parts ... components that I can style with tailwind ...

Upgrading to 1.1.9 - Hyvä Docs

The Tailwind CSS AOT compilation mode will be removed from Tailwind CSS version 3. If you choose to continue to upgrade your theme, the switch to the JIT ...

DaisyUI – Tailwind CSS Components | Hacker News

But I actually think I will use this. A big problem with CSS is that you end up making overrides no matter how composable you make the classes.

React component library with Tailwind in 3 mins! - DEV Community

This article assumes you have knowledge about building React Components, Libraries, and Tailwind. ... Tagged with react, tailwindcss, ...

The CMS Tailwind JIT module - Hyvä Docs

Using Tailwind classes in CSS content requires the classes to be present in the compiled styles.css file. Out of the box, only classes will work that also ...

Tailwind CSS classes is not working in my project - Stack Overflow

This is what worked in my case. I had to use path in the tailwind.config.js file to make it work. const { join } = require('path'); ...

tailwindcss/jit — “Just in time” from tailwind labs - Lasha Dolenjashvili

Although Tailwind provides with the tool which minimizes the CSS file size in production by removing all the unused classes, size of CSS during ...

Building Component Libraries with Tailwind and TSDX - YouTube

Follow along on the blog: In ...

Build a library with tsup and Tailwind - Spencer Miskoviak

Frontend tooling is continuously evolving, usually for the better, generally leading to faster, and simpler tooling.

Fix Missing CSS when Using Tailwind to Write a Svelte Component ...

Tailwind's JIT compiler is awesome, but by default it won't inspect installed component libraries.

Create a Custom Component Library with Vue & Tailwind CSS

... Tailwind 1:23 Component Libraries 2:10 Step 1: Generate a Vue application 3:11 Step 2: Install Tailwind CSS 7:06 Step 3: Build your First ...

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense - Visual Studio Marketplace

Ensure that you have a Tailwind config file in your workspace and that this is named tailwind.config.{js,cjs,mjs,ts,cts,mts} . · Ensure that the ...

Atuoha Anthony on LinkedIn: #flutter | 29 comments

Agreed! Flutter development demands a diverse skill set, and staying updated is crucial for success in building robust mobile applications. Your insightful ...