
Waging War on War Metaphors in Cancer and COVID|19

Waging War on War Metaphors in Cancer and COVID-19

War metaphors have steadily made their way into the lexicon of oncology practice. Research has reported that metaphors are present in as many as two thirds of ...

Waging War on War Metaphors in Cancer and COVID-19 - PubMed

Waging War on War Metaphors in Cancer and COVID-19.

Waging War on War Metaphors in Cancer and COVID-19

4,5 Perhaps in response to this call to arms and advances that followed, war metaphors have steadily made their way into the lexicon of oncology ...

Waging war on war metaphors in cancer and COVID-19

For example, war metaphors commonly used in oncology include "front-line" therapy to "attack" cancer cells that "invade" healthy tissue (Marron ...

Mike Thompson, MD, PhD, FASCO on X: "Waging War on War ...

Waging War on War Metaphors in Cancer and COVID-19 [Jul 31, 2020] @JonMarronMD @drdonsdizon @BanuSymington @mtmdphd @AbbyRosenbergMD ...

Has COVID-19 changed the way oncologists talk about cancer?

Oncologists' use of war and journey metaphors in cancer narratives has significantly decreased during the COVID-19 era, reflecting a shift ...

COVID‐19 and the metaphor of war - PMC - PubMed Central

Using a war metaphor for COVID‐19 has some positives, encouraging an 'all‐in‐this‐together' mentality, unifying the public behind their health ...

Why 'Waging War' on Coronavirus is a Dangerous Metaphor

We like to describe people experiencing disease as “fighters.” Those who remain alive are praised as “survivors” or “victorious”. Those who die ...

Waging Another Public Health "War?" | Think Global Health

Not being aware of this language and not questioning military metaphors in global health makes us susceptible to supporting the logical ...

Metaphors we Lie by: our 'War' against COVID-19

Framing cancer with metaphors of battles, war and enemies makes treatment appear to be difficult and discourages prevention by increasing a ...

War metaphors in cancer - Wikipedia

War metaphors are often used to describe a person's experience with cancer. Those who have died are said to have lost their "battle with cancer", while the ...

The Problem of Warrior Metaphors in the World of Cancer Treatment

In the world of medicine, people frequently talk about “fighting cancer”, the “war on cancer”, or cells or the body being “invaded” or “attacked ...

Does the COVID-19 war metaphor influence reasoning? | PLOS ONE

In recent times, many alarm bells have begun to sound: the metaphorical presentation of the COVID-19 emergency as a war might be dangerous, because it could ...

The Road Less Traveled: How COVID-19 Patients Use Metaphors to ...

Thirdly, studies on COVID-19-associated metaphors have focused extensively on “violence-related metaphors” and “war-related metaphors”. However, ...

War Metaphors (What Are They Good For?) - Sage Journals

We find that the war metaphor has minimal effects on public attitudes toward policies and individual actions in response to the pandemic.

Is War a Good Metaphor for Cancer Care? - OncLive

Cancer is the enemy. Patients are combatants. Physicians are strategists. Systemic therapies, radiation therapy, and surgery are the weapons.

Full article: “Not Soldiers but Fire-fighters” – Metaphors and Covid-19

The rationale for collecting and sharing alternatives to War metaphors was an awareness of the dominance of military imagery at the beginning of ...

War Metaphors in Political Communication on Covid-19 - Frontiers

Drawing on critical discourse analysis (CDA) and on crisis communication literature, I show how political representatives have used the war ...

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The power and limits of war ...

Try talking about cancer without using a war metaphor. It's likely you'll stumble. We rarely say someone is living with cancer.

Metaphors of War in Effective and Ineffective Coping of Medical ...

War metaphors that generated a sense of isolation and sacrifice intensified helplessness and fear, which undermined coping. We propose ...