
What's the Deal with 'Zero Alcohol' Beer — Is It Sober|Friendly?

What's the Deal with 'Zero Alcohol' Beer — Is It Sober-Friendly?

Most nonalcoholic beers actually aren't alcohol-free. In the United States, anything that's less than 0.5 percent alcohol by volume (ABV) can be labeled “non- ...

Do you count non-alcoholic beer as truly staying sober? - Reddit

Yes, there is still alcohol in NA beer, but less than 0.5%. I haven't noticed a want for more than 1 NA beer, so I don't think my body is ...

Does Drinking Non-Alcoholic Beer Break Sobriety? - CBH

It is important to note that while non-alcoholic beer contains minimal or no alcohol, it may still trigger cravings or emotional associations ...

Non-Alcoholic Beer Was a Game-Changer for Me. Why Is It Still So ...

Non-alcoholic beer has been such a helpful part of my sober living. But it's still quite controversial in many recovery communities.

Is non-alcoholic beer for people in AA, liver issues and should avoid ...

Non-alcoholic beer is for people who want to drink beer without drinking any significant amount of alcohol. People in AA generally avoid it, ...

The Dangers of Drinking Non-Alcoholic Beer - Verywell Mind

Non-alcoholic beer is often presented as a safe alternative to alcohol, but it is important to be aware of the risks before trying it.

Does Non-Alcoholic Beer Count? - I Am Sober

For someone avoiding alcohol due to its health implications, non-alcoholic beer presents a safer alternative. It offers a way to enjoy the ...

Refreshment or relapse: Can alcoholics drink nonalcoholic beer?

It's highly unlikely for a person to become drunk from drinking non-alcoholic beer, but it does still contains alcohol.” And while that may seem like no big ...

Everything You Need to Know About Nonalcoholic Beer

Brewers are putting out great-tasting beers without alcohol, but that doesn ... See what experts say about the pros and cons of drinking booze-free beer.

The Sober Truth: Most Non-Alcoholic Beer Isn't Great

Unlike beer with alcohol in it, which inhibits the growth of nasty microorganisms like E. coli, listeria, and botulism, beer without alcohol is ...

Is it OK to Drink Non-Alcoholic Beer in Sobriety? - Sober City

The placebo effect when drinking non-alcoholic beer can also happen when you're in recovery from alcohol addiction. The mind is very powerful and can make you ...

Is Non-Alcoholic Beer Safe in Recovery?

The amount of alcohol in non-alcoholic beer is so low (approximately 1/10th of real beer) that the chances of an individual becoming intoxicated by consuming ...

Dangers of Non Alcoholic Beer - Resurgence Behavioral Health

You may be wondering non-alcoholic beer safe for recovering alcoholics? Although the labels and the marketing for non-alcoholic beers try to ...

The Dangers of Non-Alcoholic Beer - The Full Explanation

The problem with alcohol-free beer is that, even though it won't get you drunk, it can cause an urge to go back to the stronger beverages. These ...

Is alcohol-free beer the solution to America's drinking problem?

But there is no alcohol. In fact, you won't find the word “beer” on the packaging. Instead, these drinks are labeled “cereal beverage,” “malt ...

Is it okay for kids to drink non-alcoholic beer? - CNN

In this week's “Dr. Sanjay Gupta On Call,” Dr. Gupta talks about the rise in popularity of non-alcoholic drinks and how safe they may be for ...

The latest drinking trend is alcohol-free | CNN

Much of non-alcoholic wine and beer actually starts out as alcoholic, and is then dealcoholized as an extra step. For spirits, there are ...

My Sober Feud With Nonalcoholic Drinks

How well these drinks actually replicate alcohol varies. The general consensus is that the latest NA beers and wines taste almost identical to ...

For those with an alcohol problem, are non-alcoholic beverages a ...

Mocktails and non-alcoholic beer and wine could provide a healthier alternative to drinking, but for some, these alcohol-adjacent drinks might be too potent.


For a recovering alcoholic, drinking non-alcoholic beer serves as a slippery slope. Even though you won't get drunk, the urges and triggers it ...