
What's the best joke you've ever heard?

What is the Funniest Joke You've Ever Heard/Read? - Reddit

The bus driver says "eew! thats the ugliest baby I've ever seen!" Lady starts to cry and heads to the back. The man sitting near her asks "whats ...

People Are Sharing "The Best Jokes They've Ever Heard" - BuzzFeed

Fuck you autocorrect. The BEAR minimum. ... what did the horse say when he tripped? I've fallen and I can't giddy up. ... What did the doctor say to ...

What is the funniest joke you've ever heard or read? - Quora

read this long ago..... · A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon and ...

What's the best joke you've ever heard? - The Bright Side of Life

Here are the two winners in the Funniest Joke Ever Contest. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson goes on a camping trip.

These Are The Best Jokes People Have Ever Heard, And I'll Admit It

He stayed up all night worrying if there was a dog. Makes way more sense. ... Why do elephants have red b@lls? So they can hide in cherry trees.

113 Best Jokes of All Time - Reader's Digest

“Have you heard that mad cow disease is going around?” asked the ... Once you've chuckled over the final funny quote, it's time to put ...

The Best Joke In The Entire World. Matt Falk - Full Special - YouTube

My 6 year old son walked in to the front room and asked, "Mom, what are you doing under there? ... Funniest joke you've ever heard about being ...

Funniest Joke You Ever Heard - TikTok

from 70 different countries. Okay, what's the joke? Two hunters are out in the woods when one collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing. and ...

What's the funniest joke you know or ever heard? - HubPages

Far and away the funniest and most well put together joke is Abbott and Costello's 'Who's on First' bit. I don't know how long it took them to ...

What is the best joke/anti-joke you've ever heard?

What is the best joke/anti-joke you've ever heard? general · WaveJones June 16, 2014, 8:58am #1. Come on. Gamingthrou June 16, 2014, 11:06am #2.

Best (clean) joke you've ever heard? - Water Cooler

How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, that's a hardware problem. 31 Spice ups. mkarmil (MKarmil) ...

Best Joke You've Ever Heard?! - Hypixel Forums

It's something I could really see myself doing. Why are there fences around a graveyard? Because people are dying to get in! What do you call a ...

What is the worst joke you've ever heard? - Digital Spy Forum

Did you hear about the orangutan who ate a pomegranate with a banana? No, what happened?

Best joke you've ever heard? - Jeffrey Pang - YoYoExpert Forums

I love your work. I have a feeling you have some kind of muse or source of inspiration. My source is my weak dwindling comedy, ...

What's The Best Joke You Know? - Wait But Why

The Porter can't throw people off the train, so the Porter said "Look lady, I'm sorry, the train is sorry, so I tell you what I'm gonna do. I'll move this drunk ...

150 Hilariously Funny Jokes to Make Kids and Adults Laugh

Why did the egg have a day off? Because it was Fryday. Have you ever heard about the kidnapping at school? It's okay, he woke up. I found a book ...

What's the most unfunny joke you've ever heard? | Hypixel Forums

A priest, a minister, and a rabbit all walk into a bar. The rabbit says, “I think I'm a typo.” Funny.

Best band joke you've ever heard?

Just wondered what the best band jokes people have heard? Mine has to be one that Richard Evens told Barton Band recently. A Trombone player ...

Jokes & Laughs | Imagining the Internet - Elon University

Quick jokes: Short, corny and easy to remember! ... How do trees get on the Internet? They log in. What do computers like to eat? Chips. What do you call a space ...

Our Top 10 Jokes Ever! - YouTube

Show Notes Here is our top 10 jokes, voted by you! Which one was your favourite? Hope you enjoy let us know what you think or if you've got ...