
What's wrong with exceptions? Nothing.

What's wrong with exceptions? Nothing. | by Mike Hearn

In this article I'll look at why exceptions are hard to implement well, why they're so often banned in C++ and why we should demand them from our languages and ...

What's wrong with exceptions? Nothing. : r/ProgrammingLanguages

If you intend to optimize something with exceptions, you should annotate the exception flow in your functions and acknowledge it. If you allow ...

Why is exception handling bad? [closed] - Stack Overflow

Exceptions make it really easy to write code where an exception being thrown will break invariants and leave objects in an inconsistent ...

Stop using Exceptions. Exceptions are so bad… they're poorly… |

It doesn't matter what IDE you open up, what compiler you build with, nothing will ever tell you that DoSomething could throw an exception or ...

Everything wrong with exceptions - Musing Mortoray

It's all or nothing / Legacy Code ... A major force of resistance against exceptions is legacy code. Exceptions cannot be propagated through any ...

Why are exceptions considered bad in many programming ... - Quora

The abuse of the exception mechanism is what is frowned upon. “If all you have is a hammer …. “ Exception mechanisms are superior to the ...

Why are errors named as "Exception" but not as "Error" in ...

there is nothing that forces a programmer to raise exceptions only in the case of an error. Error is a semantic concept: it is applied by the ...

Are exceptions only for handling errors?

That is, you are using exceptions as a way of flow control to implement your basic algorithm and that is not good. Exceptions handle exceptional ...

Bad exception handling is worse than having none at all - LinkedIn

Swallowing exceptions is like sweeping dust under the carpet – it may look clean, but the underlying problem is still there, waiting to cause ...

Why do people usually avoid exceptions when writing code? - Quora

**Clarity and Readability**: Exceptions provide a more intuitive way to handle errors. Exception-handling code is typically separated from the ...

Exceptions: Catch everything, handle nothing -

Catching and handling exceptions is not always as simple as it looks ... But what if it goes wrong, you might be shouting at your screen!

Away from Exceptions: Errors as Values | Hacker News

But the mechanism is just wrong; Exceptions are heavyweight and should only trigger with unexpected issues, bugs that a developer wants to see a ...

Why some people go exception-less | by Yan Babitski - Medium

However, some people claim it's an anti-pattern that should be avoided. Let's take a look at what it's all about. The idea of not using ...

Errors Are Not Exceptions - DEV Community

Many language ecosystems use try/catch paradigms to represent both errors and exceptions. This is wrong. Tagged with languages, go, ...

Exception based error handling is so bad and unsafe that adopting ...

Exceptions based error handling is unnecessary, hugely complex, doesn't compose at all, obfuscates or straight up hides what can go wrong with any given call.

The Error of Exceptions - Oscar Ablinger

The Problem of Exceptions ... On the first look, this method could return a String , null or throw a NullPointerException , if getCurrentUser ...

C++ Exceptions: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly -

Nothing is free. When an exception occurs, there is a cost. Older compilers may impose some performance overhead when executing a block of code ...

Poor Exception Handling Examples | Agile Software Craftsmanship

The rules are simple: ... Violating these rules produces software that partially failed, but keeps on running as if nothing was wrong. “Garbage in ...

Exceptions and Error Handling, C++ FAQ - Standard C++

But what's wrong with “good old errno and if -statements”? The basic answer is: Using those, your error handling and your normal code are closely intertwined.

Use exceptions vs other patterns? - General Usage - Julia Discourse

Put another way, you shouldn't default to using nothing to indicate error state, because nothing means “there is no value”, it does not mean “ ...