
What’s the Importance of Higher Education on the Economy?

How Education and Training Affect the Economy - Investopedia

A country's economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated workers increases since educated workers can more efficiently carry out tasks that ...

The Fed - Higher Education - Federal Reserve Board

A college education is widely recognized as a path to higher income and greater economic well-being.

Higher Education Contributes to a Strong Economy - AGB

As they create a more educated labor market, colleges and universities essentially increase wages of all workers. When the number of college ...

What’s the Importance of Higher Education on the Economy?

The higher education sector has a wide-ranging, proven influence on the economy. Its confluence with business provides commercial value to ...

How popularising higher education affects economic growth and ...

The expansion of higher education has a positive effect on economic development and poverty reduction by improving work skills within the labour ...

The Economic Benefits of Educational Attainment - AAF

Greater education, including certification for those without a high-school or college degree, also increases workers' ability to command higher ...

How do college graduates benefit society at large? - APLU

Because college graduates typically earn more and higher earnings are taxed at an increased marginal rate, they contribute over $510,000 in taxes during their ...

How Important is Education for Economic Growth? - XQ Institute

Decades of research confirms that increased investment in education leads to increased economic growth, from higher salaries to greater GDP ... What's more, these ...

Higher Education and Its Role for National Development. A ...

Studies on economic growth have long recognized that human capital is important to economic growth and that education is the primary way to accumulate human ...

Why Higher Education is Key to the Education (and Economic ...

As higher education simultaneously reaps workforce and economic growth gains, it also plays a key role in research and development. Many ...

Investing in Quality Education for Economic Development, Peace ...

Countries that have invested heavily in primary, secondary, and tertiary education have been able to contribute to advances in science and ...


Figure 2: What Businesses are looking for? Source: India Skill Report, 2016. Higher education offers opportunities for continuous learning and professional ...

Eight economic facts on higher education - Brookings Institution

Higher education provides extensive benefits to students, including higher wages, better health, and a lower likelihood of requiring disability payments.

The economic impact of universities: Evidence from across the globe

Our estimates imply that a 10% increase in a region's number of universities per capita is associated with 0.4% higher future GDP per capita in that region.

The Influence of Higher Education on Local Economies | GUS Canada

Higher education institutions significantly influence local economies through job creation and economic diversification. For instance, Canadian ...

The Economic Impact of College Degrees

Earning a four-year degree boasts a personal benefit of nearly $2.3 million in total lifetime earnings for graduates — 84 percent more than those with only a ...

Higher education: Contribution to the economy and levelling up

The economic output of the UK higher education sector is estimated to be at least £116bn and graduates often experience better employment outcomes than non- ...

Opinion: The Economy of Higher Education in 2023

It will be important for higher education to nimbly react to inflation and recession pressures. Cash-strapped institutions may not be able to ...

What colleges do for local economies: A direct measure based on ...

The average bachelor's degree holder contributes $278,000 more to local economies than the average high school graduate through direct spending ...

The Importance of Higher Education and Workforce Development to ...

Researchers Edward Glaeser and Albert Saiz from the National Bureau of Economic Research, in their working paper, Rise of the Skilled City, ...