
What Does Local Match Mean?

What Does Local Match Mean? - Denton Law Firm - Paducah Lawyers

There is not a one-size-fits-all definition for matching funds. Funding sources, particularly Federal Grants, will define what is allowed as matching funds.

Understanding Non-Federal Match Requirements

Most DOT grant programs involve sharing project costs. Matching or “cost sharing” means that a portion of the project's cost is not paid by ...

Local Match Definition: 105 Samples | Law Insider

Local Match means the equivalent cash value of third-party in-kind contributions and cash resources, or both, made available by local sources.

What is a community (or local) match? - NewsMatch

A community (or "local") match refers to when a funder or group of funders match donations made to your organization between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31 dollar for ...

What types of funding are eligible for the local match? | FTA

State funds or in-kind contributions from the State can count toward the State's local match. At the time of application, you must certify that your State has ...

Local Matching Funds Definition | Law Insider

Define Local Matching Funds. means the contractor's non-federal tax dollars that are not otherwise obligated and are designated or certified to match the ...

Understanding Grant Match Requirements - NICWA

What does it mean to “match” funds? Any funder may require that a grantee ... Such funders may be corporations, foundations, or local, tribal, or state ...

How should an applicant demonstrate the availability of local ...

If an applicant is proposing to use their own funds as local match, the documentation of the availability of such funds in a capital or financial plan is ...

Match requirements prevent rural and low-capacity communities ...

A local match, in the simplest terms, is nonfederal cash or in-kind contributions that a grantee is required to contribute toward project costs ...

Ways Local Governments Can Make Their Federal Match

Federal fund braiding – In some instances, federal fund braiding can be used for local match. This is when funds from one federal program are ...

Local Match Requirements Fact Sheet - PennDOT

Both advertising revenue and funds from private entities fall under the definition of operating revenue and therefore are not preferable sources ...


HOME program -- the local, non-federal contribution to the partnership. Keys to Understanding the Match Requirement. ♢ There are match credits and match debits.

Federal Grant Question: What can be counted as matching funds?

... can't count these other grants toward the match either, because our local granting orgs can't make promises to award us grants for two or ...

Match Requirement

match funds will be used. (Match is restricted to the same uses of funds as ... local, or private sources. For each federal dollar awarded, the ...

Understanding Non-Federal Match for the RCP Program

Non-Federal “matching” or “cost sharing” (terms may be used interchangeably) means that a portion of the project's total cost is paid for by the ...

Local match rules keep rural communities from federal grants | KUNC

As natural disasters strike the Mountain West, rural communities face some barriers to recovery. But they can't always get their hands on ...

Match Guidance There are two kinds of match, a cash ... -

This guidance is an attempt to identify some of the basics for tracking matching funds or in-kind matches. Since these rules tend to vary by funding source it ...

What does local play mean : r/ror2 - Reddit

Local co-op/multiplayer: connecting multiple consoles on the same network without Internet. Online co-op/multiplayer: connecting multiple consoles via the ...

What Matching Grants for Nonprofits Are and How to Find Them

Then, if you win the grant, the grantor will match the funds your nonprofit pledged. Usually, this is at a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. While a 1:1 match means the funder ...

Matching funds - Wikipedia

Matching funds are funds that are set to be paid in proportion to funds available from other sources. Matching fund payments usually arise in situations of ...