
What Is Driving the Differences in Inflation Across U.S. Regions?

What Is Driving the Differences in Inflation Across U.S. Regions?

We find that recent gaps across regions have existed largely because of different regional inflation rates for the housing category.

Why is inflation is higher in certain states? -

What's driving those regional differences in inflation? It mostly comes down to one thing: housing. If you're wondering, “why would prices ...

What Is Driving the Differences in Inflation Within the Midwest?

As shown in our previous Chicago Fed Letter, disparities in inflation across U.S. regions can be almost exclusively attributed to differences in price ...

Inflation across U.S. Metro Areas | St. Louis Fed

As a result, both local prices and inflation rates can vary across U.S. metro areas. Regional differences in housing inflation were a key ...

What is driving the differences in inflation across U.S. regions?

In this article, we explore differences in inflation dynamics across U.S. regions. Looking independently at the impact of consumption patterns and inflation ...

How Inflation Expectations Have Differed by State | St. Louis Fed

Inflation expectations can also influence future inflation itself. If consumers expect prices to rise sharply in the future, they may try to buy ...

The war on inflation is already won in some U.S. cities. Here's how ...

Transportation is another factor in inflation's regional differences — exacerbated last year as the price of gasoline and used cars skyrocketed.

Inflation rankings flip: Northeast is hot, South and West cool off

For years, inflation has been higher in the South and West because Americans flocked to those areas for their temperate climates and lower costs ...

CPI inflation is highest in these U.S. states and lowest ... - USA Today

The country's 3.2% annual inflation rate – based on the Labor Department's consumer price index – masks notable differences among the states ...

How Much is Inflation Costing You? It Depends on Where You Live

Americans in the Mountain region—Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming—are experiencing the highest inflation rates ...

Why Is U.S. Inflation Higher than in Other Countries?

Inflation rates in the United States and other developed economies have closely tracked each other historically. Problems with global supply ...

Examining U.S. inflation across households grouped by equivalized ...

We find that, from 2006 to 2023, lower income households generally faced higher inflation rates than did higher income households.

The Geography of U.S. Inflation: Prices are Rising Faster in Lower ...

Some states have also seen rapid population increases drive up housing costs, especially in the Mountain West. Conversely, economies in the ...

Which US regions have the highest inflation rate? - USAFacts

Inflation rates often fluctuate across different categories of spending, depending on their inherent volatility. For example, in June 2023, energy costs ...

What Is Driving the Differences in Inflation Across U.S. Regions?

We find that price changes in the housing sector are the main driver of regional differences in inflation in the two time periods we investigate ...

Unpacking the Causes of Pandemic-Era Inflation in the US | NBER

But, as these factors have faded, tight labor markets and wage pressures are becoming the main drivers of the lower, but still elevated, rate of price increase.

What Is Driving Inflation—Besides the Usual Culprits?

The prices of services associated with low-skill workers have been a key driver of “supercore” inflation, which excludes food, energy prices, and shelter ...

International Influences on U.S. Inflation - San Francisco Fed

In this Economic Letter, we assess the contribution of such an international component to U.S. inflation dynamics. Our findings suggest that, ...

Latest Inflation Statistics: The Prices Rising And Falling Most

For comparison, inflation rose 18.9 percent in the 2010s ... The changing drivers of inflation have evolved as much as the U.S. economy.

Inflation in the U.S and Europe: Different Paths to Moderating Rates

Differences in headline inflation rates reflect divergent fiscal and financial responses to the pandemic. They also help explain central banks' ...