
What can someone do if they have my GitHub Personal Access ...

What can someone do if they have my GitHub Personal Access ...

Each token is given their own set of permissions, so they can either have the ability to push code as your or own all of your repositories.

Managing your personal access tokens - GitHub Docs

You can use a personal access token in place of a password when authenticating to GitHub in the command line or with the API.

r/github on Reddit: My boss wants my Personal Access Token for my ...

There is an opt-in/opt-out process for GitHub at each user level. They can enable notifications, which will generate an access token with access ...

Reviewing and revoking personal access tokens in your organization

When a fine-grained personal access token is revoked, SSH keys created by the token will continue to work and the token will still be able to read public ...

What is the reasoning behind github access tokens? - Stack Overflow

In terms of actual security, there's no difference between a token and a password. However, GitHub tokens are structured, so you can control how ...

Managing access to your personal repositories - GitHub Docs

You can give people collaborator access to repositories owned by your personal account ... If you no longer want to be a collaborator on someone else's repository ...

Why don't you need a personal access token when using the GitHub ...

They can be used instead of a password for Git over HTTPS, or can be used to authenticate to the API over Basic Authentication. And, of course, ...

GitHub access token with read-only access to private repositories

5 Answers 5 · Have a user who has read-only access to the given private repo (and ideally, not much else) · As that user create a Personal Access ...

GitHub personal access tokens -

A personal access token (PAT) on GitHub is an authentication method that you can use when performing Git operations over HTTPS or when using the GitHub API.

Your GitHub Personal Access Token has been revoked #80976

"A recent scan found a valid GitHub Personal Access Token...linked to your GitHub account in the content of a commit. We have revoked it to ...

Introducing fine-grained personal access tokens for GitHub

That includes granting access to all of the repositories and organizations that the owning user can access, without providing any control or ...

GitHub Personal Access Token - Development - Zynthian Discourse

(I can remember a complex password but not 40 random characters - I am not Deep Though!) My question is: do you have advice on a workflow for ...

Preventing unauthorized access - GitHub Docs

You may be alerted to a security incident in the media, such as the discovery of the Heartbleed bug, or your computer could be stolen while you're signed in ...

Permission levels for a personal account repository - GitHub Docs

Collaborators can't have read-only access to repositories owned by a personal account. Collaborators can also perform the following actions. Action, More ...

Authenticating with GitHub

The next time you are prompted for a user name and password, simply type your GitHub account name, then your personal access token. This will be a one time ...

Enforcing policies for personal access tokens in your enterprise

Regardless of the chosen policy, Personal access tokens will have access to public resources within the organizations managed by your enterprise. In the top- ...

About authentication to GitHub

To keep your account secure, you must authenticate before you can access certain resources on GitHub. When you authenticate to GitHub, you supply or confirm ...

GitHub Personal Access Tokens (PAT) - DEV Community

Personal Access Token is a long string of characters used to authenticate a user when accessing the GitHub server instead of password-based authentication.

Access permissions on GitHub

With roles, you can control who has access to your accounts and resources on GitHub and the level of access each person has.

Keeping your account and data secure - GitHub Docs

You can securely access your account's resources by authenticating to GitHub, using different credentials depending on where you authenticate.