
What do you say to someone who believes in Hell?

What do you say to someone who believes in Hell? - Quora

Second, you need to appreciate that we do not go to Hell or Heaven based on what religion we subscribe to; therefore, religion has nothing to do ...

What do you say to people who are genuinely terrified you're going ...

"Why would you worship a being who would do that to your own child? Do you think I deserve to burn in Hell forever?" The answers will probably ...

Talking About Hell With Someone You Care About - Cru

When talking to non-believers about the doctrine of hell it's vital that we speak with truth, but also with compassion, love, and respect.

What's the best response to a Christian saying 'you're going to the ...

So the next time someone yells at you with all the conviction they can muster, “You're going to hell!”, Just say, “Okay”.

How to Respond When Someone Says You're Going to Hell - Medium

You have to admire the confidence of someone who has the gall to tell another person that they are going to hell. Essentially, what it means is ...

What would you say to a friend who said, "I do not believe in heaven ...

Her full quote: "I do not believe in heaven or hell per se or in a God of a grace that ever ends or rejects. I remain in awe and wonder about ...

How To Talk to A Non-Christian about Hell

... believe about themselves: you yourself are qualified for hell. You ... people whose pride and depravity make you fit for hell. Say it ...

My friend says she can't believe in a God who would send people to ...

Her problem, she says, is that she can't believe in a God who would send people to hell, because a loving God wouldn't do that. What can I say to her?”

Responding to Someone Who WANTS to Go to Hell - YouTube

How should Christians respond to someone who says they want to go to Hell ... you to sin than to be cast into Hell. Think of it this way ...

Views on the afterlife among U.S. adults | Pew Research Center

... words, what do you think the afterlife is like? ... A slightly smaller share (44%) say they believe people in hell definitely or probably can meet ...

For those of you that don't believe in hell nor heaven what do you ...

Has anyone been there "to the place of after-death," and back, to tell us what is there? It is okay to believe in heaven or hell. It is okay to ...

I'm a Christian - Hell doesn't exist - College Confidential Forums


Personally, I don't believe in Hell. I don't believe in an eternal punishment for humans, even though I'm Christian.

How can you love

How can we live joyfully, knowing a loved one may be in hell?

So instead of spending waking hours thinking that your love one is in hell, try to trust and believe that they were granted a few moment s to say Lord Jesus ...

My friend says he doesn't believe in hell. He says he thinks God is ...

... hell that we deserve. Put your faith and trust in Him for your eternal salvation — and then urge your friend to do so, as well. More Stories.

How do you respond to someone who doesn't believe in Hell?

How do you respond to someone who doesn't believe in Hell? · Comments245.

I don't believe in hell — here's why - The Baylor Lariat

If you think about it, the Christian viewpoint of hell makes no logical sense. I'll preface this by saying that I do believe in an afterlife for ...

How Can a Loving God Send People to Hell? - C.S. Lewis Institute

You Christians talk an awful lot about the love of God, and then you tell me that if I don't believe in Jesus I will go to hell, a place of ...

How could a loving God send anyone to hell? - Christianity Explored

And so I deserve punishment of my wrongdoing too. We actually all deserve to be punished. We all deserve to go to hell. None of us are perfect - so none of us ...

Can a Loving God Send People to Hell? The Craig-Bradley Debate

And this is a sin of infinite gravity and proportion and therefore deserves infinite punishment. We ought not, therefore, to think of hell primarily as ...

Why Compliment Your Atheist Friends, If They Are Going To Hell?

I just don't understand how someone who truly believes in Hell and the concept of sin can tell non-Christians how great they are.