
What fallacy is 'x therefore y

"X is bad, therefore Y is good": what is this fallacy called?

Description: Making the false assumption that when presented with an either/or possibility, that if one of the options is true that the other ...

What fallacy is 'x therefore y, because x'? - Quora

X therefore Y, because X fallacy. · Everything therefore united, because everything. · Everything is not automatically unified or united. The ...

Is "You are an X, therefore you should know Y" a logical fallacy

In sum 'You are an X, therefore you should know Y' is reasonable only if Y is something that falls within the standard knowledge of any and ...

List of fallacies - Wikipedia

Post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin for 'after this, therefore because of this'; temporal sequence implies causation) – X happened, then Y happened; therefore X ...

Is this a fallacious argument, if so what is the fallacy? - Reddit

This is known as the intensional fallacy or the masked man fallacy. It's an informal fallacy, meaning that the error isn't in the logical form ...

Logical Fallacies in Psychology

This fallacy takes the form of: If x, then y. y. therefore: x. Example: "People who are psychotic act in a bizarre manner. This person acts in a bizarre ...

SticiGui Reasoning and Fallacies - UC Berkeley Statistics

The fallacy consists in treating one of the stated premises (Mary says X is a Y) as if it were a different premise (X is a Y). This particular ...

Affirming the consequent - RationalWiki

Affirming the consequent is related to the generic phrase that "all X are Y, but not all Y are X" in that the formal fallacy fails to recognise ...

5.7: Finding and Refuting Logical Fallacies - Humanities LibreTexts

X might indeed cause Y, but this evidence doesn't prove it because… There is no solid proof that if X, Y. ... We need to show/prove/see more ...

Unlocking the Secrets of Logical Fallacies - Answers In Reason

Every lawyer must pass the bar exam . [x] is a lawyer . Therefore [x] must have passed ...

Isn't "X and only X created Y. Y exists. Therefore X exists" a circular ...

Likewise, it's also a fallacy to use this as proof that X has the ability to create Y. "X and only X created Y. Y exists. Therefore, X has the ...

Fallacies – Critical Thinking - OPEN OKSTATE

Many naturalistic fallacies are examples of fallacy ... Inferring that X must be the cause of Y just because X is followed by Y. ... Therefore, his claim is false.

13.4: Types of Fallacies - Social Sci LibreTexts

Authority figure X says Y. Therefore, Y is true. We see this fallacy in play regularly in commercials or other advertisements featuring a ...

Association fallacy - Wikipedia

For example, a fallacious arguer may claim that "bears are animals, and bears are dangerous; therefore your dog, which is also an animal, must be dangerous.".

Logical fallacy: X is bad, Y is worse, thus X is not bad? - Wyzant

2 Answers By Expert Tutors · It is worse to have Y than to have X. · We must have either X or Y, and not both. · So, from 1 and 2, X is the best ...

[F06] List of fallacies - PHILOSOPHY@HKU

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc (literally, "after this, therefore because of this"). Inferring that X must be the cause of Y just because X is followed by Y. For ...

Logical fallacy - RationalWiki

Quantifier-shift fallacy (or scope fallacy): Every X has the relation R to some Y. Therefore, some Y has the inverse of relation R to every X.

Fallacy of Every and All

This is a specific form of equivocation. Logical Form: Quantifier X then quantifier Y. Therefore, quantifier Y then quantifier X. Example #1:.

Person B: But if X had Z it would be worse than Y therefore X ... - Quora

The Fallacy of Composition: Belief that what is true of a part of a whole is true of the whole. This is best illustrated by my version of the ...

Fallacies | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Some researchers in fallacy theory have therefore ... fallacies and hence to that extent goes beyond the fallacy ... If you create a function between x and y that ...