
What is a graph database?

What is a graph database - Getting Started - Neo4j

What is a graph database. A Neo4j graph database stores data as nodes, relationships, and properties instead of in tables or documents. This means you can ...

What Is a Graph Database? - Oracle

What Is a Graph Database? ... A graph database is defined as a specialized, single-purpose platform for creating and manipulating graphs. Graphs ...

Graph database - Wikipedia

Graph databases are commonly referred to as a NoSQL database. Graph databases are similar to 1970s network model databases in that both represent general graphs ...

What is Graph Database - Introduction - GeeksforGeeks

A graph database (GDB) is a database that uses graph structures for storing data. It uses nodes, edges, and properties instead of tables or ...

What is A Graph Database? A Beginner's Guide - DataCamp

A graph database is a specialized, single-purpose platform used to create and manipulate data of an associative and contextual nature. The graph ...

What is a graph database? (in 10 minutes) - YouTube

High-level overview of 'what is Neo4j'.

What Is a Graph Database? Definition, Types, Uses - Dataversity

A graph database (GDB) models data as a combination of nodes (vertices) and edges (relationships) with equal importance.

What is a Graph Database? - Memgraph

Unlike relational databases, graph databases are schema-less, meaning they do not require a predefined structure or schema for data. This ...

7 Graph Database Use Cases That Will Change Your Mind - Medium

In this article, we will explore some common use cases for graph databases and how they can be applied in various industries.

Top Use Cases for Graph Databases - Dgraph Blog

Graph databases are designed to handle interconnected data efficiently. They store data in a way that makes relationships between data points easy to query and ...

What is a Graph Database? - YouTube

Learn the basics of what a Graph Database is and the type of function it plays in a Data Management Architecture.

Use cases for graph databases - 6point6

A graph database stores information as relationships between entities, and represents this data using nodes and edges, instead of using rows and columns in ...

How to choose a graph database: we compare 6 favorites

In this post, we'll take a look at some of the factors you could investigate, and introduce the six databases our customers work with most often.

What is Graph Database? Definition & FAQs | ScyllaDB

A graph database, sometimes called a semantic database, is a software application designed to query, store, and modify network graphs.

What is a Graph Database? Complete Overview

A graph database is a database that is designed so that connections between the data are considered as important as the data itself.

Why Graph Databases? Advantages of using a Graph DB - Neo4j

A graph database is an online database management system with Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations working on a graph data model.

Graph Databases in 60 seconds - YouTube

A property graph database is a data storage system that treats relationship between data entities with equal importance to the data itself.

What is a graph database? | Definition from WhatIs - TechTarget

What is a graph database? A graph database, also referred to as a semantic database, is a software application designed to store, query and modify network ...

What is a Graph Database? - Reltio

Graph databases use specialized data storage and indexing techniques to optimize query performance, allowing for efficient retrieval and manipulation of large ...

What is a graph database and why use one? - Linkurious

A graph database can be used to model relationships between people and organizations to detect suspicious financial activity. By analyzing transaction patterns ...